Medical Weight Loss Marketing Agency

Clinic Marketing Group is a medical weight loss marketing agency in New York, NY that grows profitable weight loss practices predictably using proven marketing strategies and methods. We leverage the power of digital marketing, video marketing, social media, reputation marketing and traffic generation to create a steady flow of potential new patients. At Clinic Marketing Group, our proven track record can be put to work growing practice. We are known for getting great Google search results, with most of our clients dominating the listings in their local markets. And, because rankings aren’t enough, well highlight your professional practice and success at helping weight loss patients across many platforms. Call (646) 969-3222.

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The advertising and marketing industries have been steadily changing in the face of the increasing presence of the internet, social networking services, and viral media. A medical marketing agency that uses the social networking avenue can bolster their own promotional efforts in order to better promote their clients.

The Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Society of Greater New York released research stating that 34 percent of consumers are using social media to search for health information. This surge in internet traffic illustrates that social networking is vital to medical marketing and advertising.

Using Twitter For Live Feedback

Twitter provides the ability to disseminate information very quickly in a concise format that is easy to follow. While this media might not be appropriate for press release, a medical marketing agency can utilize Twitter for some interesting and unique advertising opportunities.

There have been a small number of hospitals that Tweeted during a live procedure from the operating room. This kind of forward thinking creates a positive buzz for both finding new patients and getting the attention of fellow professionals as well. For example clinics could use Tweets to advise patients about waiting times, doctor availability or office hours during holidays.

Today's competitive business climate means that your medical center probably needs some help when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. The economic downturn has affected every sector of the economy, and healthcare facilities are anything but immune to the problems of the past year. Because of this, smart people in charge of medical centers have warmed to the idea of hiring a healthcare marketing agency to help the center reach its full potential for gaining business. Some advertising firms don't work with any one specific company type, and, as a result, may not be able to provide medical centers with any improved business. But medical weight loss marketing agency that specifically focus on medical center marketing know the secrets of the healthcare field, and can help you reach new customers by employing a variety of specialized marketing techniques. After gathering information about your medical center's goals, demographics, target audience, and more, a medical center marketing agency can then use various research methods to find out which marketing techniques will best suit your needs.

Whether they use competitive analyses, focus groups, or market segmentation studies, medical center marketing firms have a variety of ways to delve into the true desires of your target audience. Once research has answered all the necessary questions, the healthcare marketing agency can develop the perfect plan to meet your business goals and advance the status of your organization. While keeping in mind your ROI, medical marketing firms can use budget planning, brand planning, and public relations to further your healthcare facility's reputation and bottom line.

Creative Endeavors

Many in the marketing field will say that the best part of their job is getting to actually create. Any healthcare marketing agency will be clamoring to begin working on a marketing campaign to benefit your company and bring business your way. Through concept development, design, and copywriting for all avenues, medical center marketing firms can develop a strategy for you. Gone are the days where the only advertising was in newspapers or on posters. While print media is still around, electronic, online, and interactive media can all offer even more ways to reach your customers.

Medical Weight Loss Marketing Agency - (646) 969-3222

Any successful healthcare marketing agency will be experienced in all forms of media so that you can reach a wider range of people. For instance, if you're a family practitioner looking to target young families, medical advertising agencies may consider more online and social media marketing methods. But if the majority of your current and hopefully future customers are older, you may want to invest in more traditional forms of media like print and display. Either way, when it comes to medical center marketing, consider hiring a professional marketing firm to handle that side of things, while you continue to focus on your own job.

Consider Going Interactive

Medical marketing agencies can gain a better understanding of what your customers want and need if there is true, two-way communication. Blogging and email marketing allow you to reach your target audience, and get feedback from them at the same time.

Various questions may arise in one's mind regarding ethic in marketing such as: Does your organization exaggerate the benefits of its products on its packaging? Are the claims slightly overboard? Many organizations make bold claims in order to help sell their products. Are such claims morally right or wrong or are these merely "advertising gimmicks".

Is it ethically wrong to adopt high pressurized selling techniques to get your product into the market? Is it right to focus on the consumer groups that are vulnerable especially the economically poor segment? Vulnerable customers too have their medical requirements? Can you get such people to purchase your products without feeling pressurized to sell?

Doctors, healthcare providers and healthcare marketers all have a moral obligation to provide information that is in the best interest of the patient. In most cases, this moral obligation is also backed by a legal obligation to offer sound advice so that a healthcare provider or a marketer does not keep his own monetary benefit in mind.


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Weight loss, diets and "carbs" are common household topics. There is always a new pill or product that really is supposed to work. Whether it's for burning fat or removing cellulite. The truth is, manufacturers are feeding on the false hopes of so many people who would do anything to lose weight and in the quickest amount of time.

Here are three red flags about weight loss marketing that the consumer should know.

1)There is no such thing as a magic pill.

There is no pill or supplement that can make you stronger, bigger or leaner. When you see models or actors in ads promoting a supplement, we need to realize that they do not look that way because of the pill they are advocating. The truth is most of these models have a genetic edge; an unhealthy exercise routine, rigid eating habits and may have had cosmetic surgery. They are promoting that supplement because they have a financial agreement to do so. Also if you look closely, you can also see in tiny print at the bottom of any magazine or television ad the words: "These results are not typical. Must be combined with an exercise and nutrition program". So, if a claim seems too good to be true, it probably is.

2)If a diet states that some foods are good or bad for you.

The truth is there is no such thing as a good food or a bad food. What's really important is the quantity of that food and how often you consume it. Any diet or supplement that speaks of an energy fuel as bad is missing the boat on healthy nutrition. A proper balance is necessary not negating entire food groups to fit the newest "diet plan". These "diet plans" are temporary fixes that cannot be sustained for long term and come at a costly price to your body, especially your metabolism and endocrine system. If you play around with the homeostasis of your body, you will be disappointed with the outcome. The body's main objective is survival. Yo-yo dieting will bring you further and further away from successful weight loss. We need to wonder, if any of these diets actually worked, why is there a new one every few months? If they worked so well, why haven't they been used towards the cure for obesity?

Medical Weight Loss Marketing Agency Files

Social Media Footprint

Many people use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and these sites influence buyers greatly. You can tell an agency's expertise by considering if it is able to promote unique knowledge through social media networks and formats.

Motivated Employees

The best online marketing agency is one that embraces and encourages motivated employees to express their ideas and expertise. This ensures that no talent is squandered. Employees who are empowered and work with strong leadership in the agency are very powerful.

Good Client Testimonials

When looking at marketing consultants, you will always want to know how previous clients have rated the marketing agency you are interested in. It is preferable to choose a marketing agency that has good client testimonials. Ideally the testimonials should inform you about the issues that you are interested in knowing more about.

Industry Wards

There are many awards in the digital marketing space. If you find that a marketing agency has received numerous awards, you can be sure that it is able to provide you with the best online marketing services. It is also possible that such an agency has been quoted by the media.

Design and Functionality of the Agency's Website

A website offers a lot of information about an agency. An online marketing agency that has a website that is properly designed and informative displays that it has what it takes to attract customers. You will find that reputable marketing agencies usually add social features to their sites and a good example is blogs.

Creative advertising

A good agency knows how to utilize advertising to your advantage. It ensures that it advertises in all the areas where your target audience seeks for credible information. When used well, online and offline creative advertising is able to do wonders especially if you implement it with a strong social media marketing or editorial program.

Efficient frontline staff

It is essential that an agency has efficient staff behavior when it comes to answering phones, networking online and offline and speaking to prospects during meetings among other things. This can have a big good or bad impression on potential clients.

Medical Weight Loss Marketing Agency KWS - (646) 969-3222

Involvement in industry association

A company is able to show that its level of commitment is high if it is involved in an association. An agency that is involved in setting guidelines, industry standards and training programs can set it apart and give an indication of its expertise.

The offices of the agency

Even though internet marketing companies operate on a virtual basis, most of them maintain physical offices. These offices are able to give the impression of the style, health or personality of an agency.

Word of mouth

In order to build positive word of mouth, an agency has to initially perform good work. The online marketing agency that you choose should be one that makes it easy for you to pass on the good news about your company or makes sure that your testimonials are promoted in the proper manner.

3)Where did we hear about the latest weight loss craze?

One thing most people do not realize is the lack of regulation in the fitness industry. There is no committee, agency or administration filtering out the inaccurate information; making the majority of what you read misleading. Most articles in local papers or current fitness magazines are feeding on the quick fix mentality and an individual's unrealistic goals. The truth is the public is continually misinformed on how to actually lose weight and keep it off. This puts the credibility of studies and conclusions in question. There are certain steps to making a source reliable for health and fitness information. First, the studies should be published in scientific peer-reviewed journals (case studies and testimonials are not objective and science-based proof).

The studies need to breplicated by an outside source. That means, by someone not linked and with no financial backing to the original study. Most often this does not happen. So many times you will see a blurb on a single study, done by Dr. X (a doctor's name improves credibility to most people) recommending a plan or pill. This study often has many loopholes in its methods and has never been replicated for proof of credibility. Did you know that as of today, Atkins has not published one single study in a scientific peer reviewed journal? This "diet" has been around for over twenty-five years. Do you think they've had enough time to do it? Then why haven't they? The point is not to believe everything that you see or read. The credibility of the research is so important.

Medical Weight Loss Marketing Agency Links - (646) 969-3222

People who work in the field of medical marketing come belong to diverse disciplines. However, they possess one skill in common; they have good knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and the product that they have to promote. As easy as it may sound, making a niche for you in such a challenging environment is quite a tough task. The evolution of the pharmaceutical industry, the introduction of newer regulations, newer products and competitors making generic medicines available demands a creative mind that is constantly endeavouring to promote his product in a more innovative manner. Medical marketing has come a long way. It has witnessed the deployment of various strategies that has revolutionized the way medicines were seen. In fact, out of home marketing concept has been exploited the most by medical marketing. The competition is so aggressive that specific agencies have begun developing a unique identity and have specialized in the promotion of medical content, while another agency may solely focuses on content development. This demonstrates the increase in influx and the demand for medical marketing.

Most people who work in the domain of medical marketing have a sound background in medicine. Graduates in Lifesciences, doctors, and even people from the media background have made it big in field.

Clarity of Thought:

In order to build a successful career in marketing, one needs to possess a sound mind. When you are conflicted with a competitor, it is important to focus on the strengths of your brand rather than the competitor's product drawbacks. It is important to gather knowledge through previous clinical study documents, previous data of any approvals, regulatory compliances, etc that may give your product the advantage of being safe etc. This means that you will be well prepared while promoting your brand.

Possess inter-personal skills:

A medical marketing person needs to understand the thought process of the people. If one has to convince a target consumer to buy a product, one would first understand what the consumer would think when the product is presented. Would the product be relevant to the consumer? Will the consumer identify with it? Will the consumer prefer my brand over the competitors? If not, how can I make a consumer aware of the superiority of my brand? These questions can be effectively addressed when one possess good inter-personal skills.

Goal oriented:

Medical Marketing requires goal oriented individuals. Marketing a product is always a challenge. One needs to set defined goals to promote a brand in an effective manner. When a goal is defined, it becomes easier to work towards its brand promotion.


Clinic Marketing Group

322 W 52nd Street #93

New York, NY 10101

Phone: (646) 969-3222


Any medical advertising agency can construct a campaign. The question is more what information is used to make it as effective, targeted, and high impact as possible. In the case of many medical marketing agencies, there is relatively little research put into development. Most hospitals and doctors are surprised to discover that companies presenting themselves as medical marketing agencies seldom make use of concrete data and figures when designing new initiatives.

Many healthcare professionals have chosen to work with medical marketing agencies that take a different approach. Instead of focusing on gut instinct, these companies create strategies based on research, testing, focus groups, and other proven methods of analysis. Understanding these tools will help you make the choice when it comes time to create your next advertising initiative.

Technique #1: Market Studies

This technique covers a wide range of different initiatives. Market studies are the rough equivalent of observational studies in healthcare. The medical advertising agency observes the current conditions in your area of expertise, focusing on key attributes of importance for creation of an effective campaign. These key attributes will vary depending on your exact specialty.

Market studies are typically non-invasive, meaning that people are surveyed about their current opinions of your company, not given a potential change and asked to reach. They are quite different from the other common form of consumer-interactive analysis, focus groups.