Climate Hero 2020

Climate Hero 2020

Shah Sikandar Shakir

Meet Shah Sikandar Shakir, Our climate Hero 2020, the one man army to plant tree all over the Sylhet city through the our. Anytime he saw a beautiful please he plants a tree over there. green is the ultimate target of our fellow climate hero. Basically he is a Tutor and has an institute to give student private education. After finishing his daily earning the rest of the money he plants tree for future generation to give a better future. Till now from 2015 he has planted more than 1500 trees around the city of Sylhet to make Sylhet green and clean again. We are so much excited to share our fellow with you.

Climate Channel

Climate Channel is a facebook platform to collect all the videos of climate activation movement and previous climate action movement and also is a archive of climate movement also broadcast the recent climate scenario around the world from Africa to Bangladesh. Climate channel based on social media platform and using their unique template to modify any video to broadcast it again through their platform aiming to create awareness among the generation and citizens. We are lucky to have climate channel in our team as Climate Hero 2020 fellow.