Climate GuardIN

Welcome to Climate GuardIN! ClimateGuard IN utilizes the dynamic capabilities and extensive data resources of Google Earth Engine to analyze extreme weather occurrences dating back to 2001. The platform assesses risks on various scales, providing valuable decision-making information for policymakers, local governments, and communities. By enhancing India's resilience to climate change, the application supports the development of climate risk management plans through comprehensive visualization of extreme weather hazards. Stakeholders can anticipate, prepare for, and mitigate the effects of climate change more effectively, thereby safeguarding Indian communities and landscapes. ClimateGuard IN stands as a pioneering tool for thoroughly assessing India's climate hazards and resilience options. Leveraging GEE's superior hazard mapping capabilities, it promotes evidence-based decision-making and proactive climate risk management. ClimateGuard IN plays a crucial role in preserving our world's natural legacy for future generations, paving the way towards a sustainable and climate-resilient future.

What to Analyze: 


A heatwave is an extended period of anomalously high temperatures, characterized by conditions exceeding the local climatic norms, often accompanied by a lack of precipitation and increased evaporation, posing health, environmental, and economic risks. 


Floods are inundations of land areas that are typically dry, resulting from the overflow or accumulation of water, often due to heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or rapid ice melting, with the potential to cause significant damage to infrastructure and ecosystems. 


Drought is a prolonged period of deficient rainfall or water supply, leading to a sustained imbalance between precipitation and evaporation, which can have far-reaching impacts on agriculture, water resources, and ecosystems.