
We are a graduate student research & study network based at Seoul National University, South Korea.  We welcome prospective researchers from all fields of science who want to tackle climate change and environmental problems through economics. Seoul National University Institute for Sustainable Development, Seoul  National University Human Rights Center and Seoul National University Department of Economics Brain Korea 21 Four Initiatives have generously supported our activities. 

2023  (Total 29 Members + Special Guests) 

Sanghwa Ahn ( Economics )

Jongho Suh ( Technology Management, Economics, and Policy )

Chanhee Lee ( Environmental Planning )

Mi Rang Gang ( Environmental Planning )

Kiwon Kim ( Environmental Planning )

Jeyoung Jung ( Agricultural and Resource Economics ) 

Minyeong Jung ( Economics )

Jisoo Moon ( Liberal Studies, Global Environmental Management )

Myeongsung Go ( Economics )

Jihye Kang ( Economics )

Yuri Lee ( Business )

Yoojin Cho ( Public Administration ) 

Youngah Go ( Fashion and Textiles )

Minseo Cho ( Sociology  )

2022 Fall-Winter (Total 19 Members + Special Guests) 

Sanghwa Ahn ( Economics )

Chanhee Lee ( Environmental Planning )

Soim Lee ( Environmental Planning )

Mi Rang Gang ( Environmental Planning )

Sukgyu Shin ( Economics )

Kun Joo Lim ( Economics )

Yekyeong Shin ( Mechanical Engineering )

Jongho Suh ( Technology Management, Economics, and Policy )

2022 Spring-Summer (Total 9 Members)