An overview on Climate Change. Interdisciplanary learning with Spanish and Science

One of the main things that education does not focus on is how several of the topics that students and people learn about can become connected. It is important to put an emphasis on interdisciplanary learning and how they can all connect, and this Google Sites is meant to do just that, connecting an important social topic which is Climate Change, and connecting the Languages which would be Spanish. 

What is Climate Change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gases.

Where are places Spanish is widely Spoken?

Places where Spanish is widely spoken would be in Mexico, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc.

These are some of the countries with the most Spanish Speakers in it. 


Gain information on Climate Change and how Spanish can interwine with science. How is learning Spanish a helpful way to learn more information? Learning also the affects and differences that other countries and communities have and how it is different from here in the United States.

At the end, there will be an exit assessment to see how you interacted with the information.

Importance of learning about both Climate and interwinning it with Spanish is the wide access that people can work and understand how Climate Change affects other parts of the world. Learning how it affects people from Latin America and other places around the world lets us see the affects climate change has, especially on countries and communities that suffer from lacks of resources and priveleges that we in the United States may have.