
National resources

Below are some good starting places for climate information and experts. For regional resources, see the drop-down menu.

Geared toward local governments but may have information of interest for consultations (e.g., information regarding stormwater runoff and climate change). Created by the EPA

Collaboration between USFS, NPS, BLM, and UW. Includes a publication list largely geared toward climate adaptation in forested environments and an "adaptation library" tool that gives examples of actions that could help with climate adaptation in different situations.

Federal site featuring information, tools, and case studies related to climate resilience. Includes the Climate Explorer, a visualization tools that generates interactive graphs and maps showing climate projections and observations for any county in the contiguous United States.

Public Site from the USFS intended for “land managers and decision makers with useable science to address climate change in planning and application. The CCRC provides information about climate change impacts on forests and other ecosystems, and approaches to adaptation and mitigation in forests and grasslands."

An interactive data analysis tool with direct access to NASA datasets on sea level. Users can manipulate datasets to automatically generate charts, graphs and maps of sea surface height, temperature and other factors. The analysis tool will also allow users to make forecasts of future conditions, as well as “hindcasts” -- retroactive calculations of past trends and conditions.

This visually beautiful, user-friendly website from Birdlife International and Audubon explains how climate change is affecting bird communities. It is geared toward the general public but cites peer-reviewed literature as well, so it can be used as a jumping-off point for someone who needs a place to start understanding how climate change affects birds in general.