The materials presented on this web site were developed in response to specific needs expressed by Fish and Wildlife Service consultation staff in Region 1. They were developed by a contractor with funding from FWS based on interviews with FWS and NMFS staff in the region, relevant ESA and climate change publications, existing biological assessments and opinions, with extensive input, editing, and revision by a core team of regional and state FWS staff. They are not official FWS guidance, policy, or training materials. We hope, however, that they will be useful for many people who are struggling with how to integrate climate change into Section 7 consultation, both inside and outside the region and the Service.
All files associated with this web site may be downloaded from our Google drive folder here.
The resources on this web page were developed with funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Materials prepared by Jennie Hoffman (consultant) in collaboration with Kate Freund, Larry Salata, Katherine Fitzgerald, Mike Hudson, Dan Brown, and Rich Bulavinetz. We would also like to thank additional reviewers who gave comments and feedback throughout the process.
Questions about the web site or the materials may be directed to Jennie Hoffman:
USFWS Region 1 staff with technical or policy questions about Section 7 Consultation can contact Regional Office S7 coordinators:
Larry Salata:
Dan Brown: