HVAC Filter Basics: What Types Are There & How Often to Change Them 

HVAC filters are essential for maintaining clean and safe indoor air, ensuring HVAC system efficiency. Understanding filter types and replacement schedules is vital for optimal performance and air quality. Here, we'll cover HVAC filter basics, including types and replacement schedules.

The Importance of HVAC Filters

Before delving into the types and replacement schedules, it's crucial to understand the significance of HVAC filters. These filters perform several essential functions:

Air Quality Improvement:

HVAC filters that capture dust, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne particles improve indoor air quality. For those who have respiratory conditions or allergies, this is especially crucial.

Types of HVAC Filters

HVAC filters vary in type, each with distinct features and filtration abilities. Selection depends on your HVAC system, air quality needs, and budget. Common types include:

HEPA Filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air):

HEPA filters are renowned for their exceptional filtration, capturing 99.97% of 0.3-micron particles like pet dander and mold spores, enhancing air quality. Yet, their density may strain your HVAC system.

Filter Replacement Schedule

Now that we've explored the different types of HVAC filters. Let's discuss how often you should replace them. The replacement schedule depends on the filter type, your specific indoor air quality needs, and your HVAC system. Here are some general guidelines:

Remember that these are general guidelines, and it's essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific filter. Additionally, factors such as pets, allergies, and indoor air quality concerns may require more frequent filter replacement.