

Located in the city centre, FEDAC Lleida is one of the 24 state-subsidized schools that belong to

a Foundation called ‘Fundació Educativa Dominiques de l’Anunciata Pare Coll’.

FEDAC Lleida includes all the compulsory levels of education, that is, pre-primary, primary, and

secondary education.

Currently, we are implementing a project called #avuixdemà2024, which is based on four areas

character (those aspects that define our school identity), social context, community and

education and these four areas are divided into 6 challenges each. One of the most outstanding

challenges is called languages which aim is to provide our students with all the tools and

strategies to have a good command of the English language once they finish their compulsory

education. That is why our school has taken into account implementing the CLIL methodology

since we understand that it is a great method to promote positive attitudes towards language

learning from an early stage.