

I have worked on research problems in:

theoretical computer science, discrete geometry,  combinatorial probability,  probabilistic combinatorics, enumerative combinatorics, algebraic combinatorics, combinatorial games,  topological data analysis, machine learning, and certified methods in computational mathematics.

I have gotten grants from:

the Simons Foundation (three times) and  the National Security Agency (once).

My research has been published in: 

The Proceedings of the AMS, Journals of Combinatorial Theory, Series A and B, Combinatorica, Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Transactions on Computation Theory, Journal of Symbolic Logic, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG), IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC).

My Google Scholar page

Journal Papers

Joseph Cummings, Jonathan D. Hauenstein, Hoon Hong, and Clifford D. Smyth

submitted, 2024.

Reciprocals of thinned exponential series

David Galvin, John Engbers, and Clifford Smyth

Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 89(1), Pages 61–96, 2024.

Determinantal formluas with major indices

Thomas McConville, Donald Robertson, and Clifford Smyth

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149 (12), 5101-5117, 2021.

Toporesnet: A hybrid deep learning architecture and its application to skin lesion classification

Chuan-Shen Hu, Austin Lawson, Jung-Sheng Chen, Yu-Min Chung, Clifford Smyth, and Shih-Min Yang

Mathematics 9 (22), 2924, 2021.

On a rank-unimodality conjecture of Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko

Thomas McConville, Bruce Sagan, and Clifford Smyth

Discrete Mathematics 344 (8), 112483, 2021.

The noncrossing bond poset

Joshua Hallam, Matt Farmer, and Clifford Smyth.

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 27, Issue 4, 2020.

Restricted Stirling and Lah numbers and their inverses

John Engbers, David Galvin, and Clifford Smyth

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 161, 271-298, 2019.

 Weighted persistent homology

Gregory Bell, Austin Lawson, Joshua Martin, James Rudzinski, and Clifford Smyth

Involve, Vol. 12, No. 5, 823–837, 2019.

Equivalent Formulations of the Bunk Bed Conjecture

James Rudzinski and Clifford Smyth.

North Carolina Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 2, 23-28, 2016.

Symmetric Polynomials and Symmetric Mean Inequalities

Karl Mahlburg and Clifford Smyth, 

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 20, Issue 3, P34, 2013. 

Reimer's inequality on a finite distributive lattice

Clifford Smyth

Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (CPC), Volume 22, Issue 04, pages 612-626, 2013. 

Revolutionaries and spies on trees and unicyclic graphs

Dan Cranston, Clifford Smyth, and Douglas West

Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 3, Number 2, pages 195-206,  2012.

Revolutionaries and spies

David Howard and Clifford Smyth

Discrete Mathematics, Volume 312, Issue 22, pages 3384-3391, 2012.

Approximate Query Complexity

Clifford Smyth

Association for Computing Machinery -  Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT), Volume 3, Number 1, pages 3.1-3.11, 2011.

 The dual BKR inequality and Rudich's conjecture

Jeffry Kahn, Michael Saks, and Clifford Smyth

Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing (CPC), Volume 20, Number 2, pages 257-266, 2011. 

 Enumeration of non-crossing pairings on bit strings

Todd Kemp, Karl Mahlburg, Amarpreet Rattan, and Clifford Smyth

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 118, Number 1, pages 129-151, 2011. 

Anti-Ramsey properties of random graphs

Thomas Bohman, Alan Frieze, Oleg Pikhurko, and Clifford Smyth

Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, Volume 100, Number 3, pages 299-312, 2010. 

On the variance of Shannon products of graphs

J\'ozsef Balogh and Clifford Smyth

Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 156, Number 1, pages 110-118, 2008.  

Some results in polychromatic Ramsey theory

Uri Abraham, James Cummings, and Clifford Smyth

Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 72, Number 3, pages 865-896, 2007. 

On randomly generated intersecting hypergraphs II

Thomas Bohman, Allan Frieze, Ryan Martin, Mikl\`os Ruszink\'o, and Clifford Smyth. 

Random Structures and Algorithms (RSA), Volume 30, Number 1-2, pages 17-34, 2007.

On the chromatic number of random graphs with a fixed  degree sequence

Alan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich, and Clifford Smyth

Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing (CPC), Volume 16, Number 5, pages 733-746, 2007.  

Codes identifying sets of vertices in random networks

Alan Frieze, Julian Moncel, Mikl\`os Ruszink\'o, Ryan Martin, and Clifford Smyth

Discrete Math, Volume 307, Number 10, pages 1094--1107, 2007. 

First order definability of trees and sparse random graphs

Thomas Bohman, Alan Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, Oleg Pikhurko, Clifford Smyth, Joel Spencer, and Oleg Verbitsky.  

Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing (CPC), Volume 16, pages 375--400, 2007. 

 The hardness of 3-uniform hypergraph coloring

Irit Dinur, Oded Regev, and Clifford Smyth

Combinatorica, Volume 25, Number 5, pages 519--535, 2005. 

Long monotone paths in line arrangements

J\'ozsef Balogh, Oded Regev, Clifford Smyth, William Steiger, and Mario Szegedy.  

Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG), Volume 32, Number 32, pages 167--176, 2004.

Conference Papers

Topological approaches to skin disease image analysis

Yu-Min Chung, Chuang-Shen Hu, Austin Lawson, and Clifford Smyth

IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2018.

Identifying codes in random networks

Alan Frieze, Julian Moncel, Miklos Ruszinko, and Clifford Smyth

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2005.

Long monotone paths in line arrangements

J\'ozsef Balogh, Oded Regev, Clifford Smyth, William Steiger, and Mario Szegedy

Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry (DCG), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, pages 124--128, 2003.

Reimer's inequality and Tardos' conjecture

Clifford Smyth

Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, pages 218-221, 2002.

The hardness of 3-uniform hypergraph coloring

Irit Dinur, Oded Regev, and Clifford Smyth

IEEE Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, pages 33--40, 2002.

A dual version of Reimer's inequality and a proof of  Rudich's conjecture

Jeffry Kahn, Michael Saks, and Clifford Smyth

Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, pages 98-103, 2000.

Book Chapter

Equilateral sets in $\ell_p^d$

Clifford Smyth

In Thirty Essays in Geometric Graph Theory, Janos Pach ed.  Algorithms and Combinatorics Series, Springer, 2013.

General Interest

Organizing a short online math program successfully

Daniel Glasscock, Claire Merriman, Donald Robertson, and Clifford Smyth

Notices of the American Mathematical Society, June/July 2021.

PhD Thesis

The conjectures of Rudich, Tardos, and Kusner

Clifford Smyth

Ph.D. Thesis, Rutgers University, 2001.