Attract Clients, Become Visible & Scale Your Business 

Get Ready to Step in Her Successful Shoes!

Hello I am Sam

I am a Business Strategist and Money Mindset Coach. 

I am an expert at empowering women entrepreneurs and coaches to build successful and authentic businesses by attracting more clients, becoming visible as a trusted authority in their field and scaling. 

I passionately empower trailblazer women entrepreneurs to break the rules about women and money so they can create freedom in their lives and leave their unique mark on the world. 

Money Magic is: 

Money Mindset + Business Strategic Actions + Energy from empowered beliefs = Abundance 


In my coaching programmes, I use my signature 'Creating Authentic Business Success and Money Mastery' method and 'Sacred Abundance Archetypes®', which are your money personality types, to empower you to: 

My coaching programmes are for trailblazer women business leaders who want to create a business empire, 'Your Way'.