Client Accelerator Academy 


Client Accelerator Academy

Attract Clients, Become Visible & Scale Your Business 

Get Ready to Step in Her Successful Shoes!

To empower you to create money, success and freedom and leave your unique mark on the world by building an authentic business


Tired of cookie-cutter business advice that doesn’t honour YOU and your uniqueness?

If you are ready to attract more clients, become more visible as a trusted authority in your field and scale your business, then join me in my ‘Client Accelerator AcademyGroup Coaching programme. 

This programme includes 12 self-study modules to which you will have lifetime access, weekly group business coaching calls, and fortnightly money mindset group coaching calls, along with some fabulous free bonuses. 

Client Accelerator Academy

Attract Clients, Become Visible and Scale Your Business 

Get Ready to Step in Her Successful Shoes!

Are you ready to create more money, success and freedom and leave your unique mark on the world by building an authentic business?

Is this you? 


If this is YOU, then I want you to know that you are in the right place, and it's more common to feel like this than you think.

I am here to help, and it’s now time to transform what feels overwhelming in your business into everyday easy in a way that feels powerfully authentic for you.

That is why I am thrilled to invite you to my

 Client Accelerator Academy 

Here is the key

Here is just a peek at what your business looks like when you join my 

Client Accelerator Academy

Client Accelerator Academy 

is for you:

If you’re ready to stop ‘going it alone,’ so you can start making more money by attracting more clients, become visible and start scaling your business.

Ready to feel excited that you are making money in a lucrative business that lights you up? Here is what  is inside this programme:  

Client Accelerator Academy includes: 

You will set bold goals for your business which feel slightly scary, a bit of a stretch but at the same time very authentic. You will learn how to incorporate the mindset and energy of the woman who has already achieved this goal.

You will find out what your money personality is and what are its strengths, challenges and profitability profile. You will learn how your use your natural strengths to attract more clients, become more visible as a trusted authority in your business, scale and make more money in your business. 

You will create the magnetic mindset of a person who attracts high-end clients with a lot of ease and grace.

You will remove money blocks and limiting money beliefs, create a new, empowering money story and own your worth. 

You will get crystal clear clarity about your authentic, lucrative niche and ideal client so that you can attract and keep more ideal clients. You will also learn how to market directly to their money personality.

I'll walk you step by step through how to transform your expertise – including the magic that makes YOU unique -- into an exciting Signature System that attracts a steady stream of ideal clients.

I will guide you through creating packages based on the value that uniquely sets you apart and structure your services to massively free your time and increase your income. 

You will have a clear visibility strategy to become known as a trusted authority in your field, and your prospective clients start reaching out to you directly because they want to work with an expert.  You will have an effective visibility, marketing and branding strategy which feels authentic because it is aligned with your money personality.  You will know how you can use your money personality in these strategies to make them flow authentically and effectively for you. You have the best marketing strategy for your money personality by using your natural strengths and charisma. You have found the marketing medium that suits you most and feels most authentic. Creating a steady stream of ideal clients is surprisingly easy, and I’ll show you how!

If you struggle with how much to charge and how to confidently talk about your fees, you are not alone. You will learn how to clear out feelings of unworthiness, plus give you practical tools so you can charge what you’re worth and discuss your fees like a pro. You will also learn the dos and dont's of pricing. 

You will learn best ways to scale your business and how to implement them. You will learn how to create passive income streams in your business and which ones work best for your money personality. 

You know how to integrate the energy and strength of each money personality in your business to create more impact and freedom.  

We will create a 30-day bold personalised money goal, a plan to reach it and a weekly success calendar to reach it. 

Plus, these additional TWO BONUSES make this programme even more perfect for you:

If You Are Ready to Make More Money by Attracting More Clients, Becoming Visible as a Trusted Authority in Your Field and ScalingYour Business 

Then I invite you to join me in this transformational coaching programme.  

By now, you are probably asking,

"This sounds exciting, but what’s my investment?"


What total value will you get as a part of Client Accelerator Academy?

The Investment 

So, are you ready to take your business, income and life to the next level? Secure your spot TODAY because this programme will help you find freedom and leave your unique mark in the world by creating an authentic and fulfilling business.

Let’s get you started now because if you’re serious about creating greater financial freedom, then don't you owe yourself this life-changing moment? 

Ask me any questions about the Client Accelerator Academy, and I'll help you decide if it's right for you. Click here to send an email now with "Question about the Client Accelerator Academy" in the subject.  I will be in touch ASAP. 

Join my Facebook Group and follow me on Instagram to receive the latest news, regular free training, and exclusive offers.