What is Jitter clicking?

Jitterclicking is a technique that allows you to quickly move your cursor in any direction on the screen. It is quite similar to CPS test. You might be surprised to see just how quickly you can get around the world using this method!

To learn how to control your jitter clicking follow these steps:

-Slowly press down the mouse button, click once, release the mouse button, wait for a second or two, and repeat the process.

-You can also make use of the keyboard to prevent jitter clicking.

How to Choose the Right Mouse for Jitter Clicking?

Jitter clicking means you click faster than normal. This means you will be able to beat other players who are clicking normally. But it isn't that simple.

There are some things you need to know. First, you need to learn how to control your mouse. If you learn how to control your mouse, you'll be able to jitter click.

Second, you need to learn how to make the mouse move smoothly.

Third, you need to practice. Finally, you must have patience. You need to focus on the best clicker games. Focus on making good moves. Don't think about what you are doing. Instead, concentrate on what you want to do. Focus on the game and learn how to control your mouse.

Here is a list of mouse features that you should consider.


Durability is a key point of any mouse. It can make or break your purchase decision.

You want to ensure that your mouse lasts as long as possible.

Mechanical VS Optical Switch

A mechanical mouse does work but it takes time to transmit signals.

So for the last few years, most optical mice became popular.

Optical mice use light beams instead of electricity. They do not require wires or batteries. Optical mice are so easy to use and they give accurate data.

Is Jitter clicking dangerous?

If you keep clicking at 9 to 15 cps, and never cross the 15 cps mark, it will be safe. You can test it by using cps tester. You'll be able to stop at any time. You can click any object without hurting yourself.

Is jitter clicking allowed on Hypixel?

Jitter Clickers are among the most commonly used bots. Their primary goal is to increase the number of cps. They are also commonly used for cheating in games like League of Legends and Call of Duty.

Cheat Detection Techniques are tools to detect and ban users using certain techniques such as auto clickers, macros, etc.

A lot of people use hypixel to hack and cheats and are often caught by our team. Sometimes they create bots and cheat with the help of their bots so we ban them as well.

Also Try Drag Click Test Here.