Click supports two types of parameters for scripts: options and arguments.There is generally some confusion among authors of command line scripts ofwhen to use which, so here is a quick overview of the differences. As itsname indicates, an option is optional. While arguments can be optionalwithin reason, they are much more restricted in how optional they can be.

To help you decide between options and arguments, the recommendation isto use arguments exclusively for things like going to subcommands or inputfilenames / URLs, and have everything else be an option instead.

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On the other hand arguments, unlike options, can accept an arbitrary numberof arguments. Options can strictly ever only accept a fixed number ofarguments (defaults to 1), or they may be specified multiple times usingMultiple Options.

The lazy flag controls if the file should be opened immediately or uponfirst IO. The default is to be non-lazy for standard input and outputstreams as well as files opened for reading, lazy otherwise. When opening afile lazily for reading, it is still opened temporarily for validation, butwill not be held open until first IO. lazy is mainly useful when openingfor writing to avoid creating the file until it is needed.

Starting with Click 2.0, files can also be opened atomically in whichcase all writes go into a separate file in the same folder and uponcompletion the file will be moved over to the original location. Thisis useful if a file regularly read by other users is modified.

Options can have many names that may be prefixed with one or two dashes.Names with one dash are parsed as short options, names with two areparsed as long options. If a name is not prefixed, it is used as thePython argument name and not parsed as an option name. Otherwise, thefirst name with a two dash prefix is used, or the first with a one dashprefix if there are none with two. The prefix is removed and dashes areconverted to underscores to get the Python argument name.

Values from user input or the command line will be strings, but defaultvalues and Python arguments may already be the correct type. The customtype should check at the top if the value is already valid and pass itthrough to support those cases.

Adding options to commands can be accomplished by the option()decorator. Since options can come in various different versions, thereare a ton of parameters to configure their behavior. Options in click aredistinct from positional arguments.

Options have a name that will be used as the Python argument name whencalling the decorated function. This can be inferred from the optionnames or given explicitly. Names are given as position arguments to thedecorator.

The most basic option is a value option. These options accept oneargument which is a value. If no type is provided, the type of the defaultvalue is used. If no default value is provided, the type is assumed to beSTRING. Unless a name is explicitly specified, the name of theparameter is the first long option defined; otherwise the first short one isused. By default, options are not required, however to make an option required,simply pass in required=True as an argument to the decorator.

Sometimes, you have options that take more than one argument. For options,only a fixed number of arguments is supported. This can be configured bythe nargs parameter. The values are then stored as a tuple.

As you can see that by using nargs set to a specific number each item inthe resulting tuple is of the same type. This might not be what you want.Commonly you might want to use different types for different indexes inthe tuple. For this you can directly specify a tuple as type:

Note that if a slash is contained in your option already (for instance, ifyou use Windows-style parameters where / is the prefix character), youcan alternatively split the parameters through ; instead:

In addition to boolean flags, there are also feature switches. These areimplemented by setting multiple options to the same parameter name anddefining a flag value. Note that by providing the flag_value parameter,Click will implicitly set is_flag=True.

Sometimes, you want to have a parameter be a choice of a list of values.In that case you can use Choice type. It can be instantiatedwith a list of valid values. The originally passed choice will be returned,not the str passed on the command line. Token normalization functions andcase_sensitive=False can cause the two to be different but still match.

The auto_envvar_prefix and default_map options for the contextallow the program to read option values from the environment or aconfiguration file. However, this overrides the prompting mechanism, sothat the user does not get the option to change the value interactively.

Sometimes, you want a parameter to completely change the execution flow.For instance, this is the case when you want to have a --versionparameter that prints out the version and then exits the application.

In such cases, you need two concepts: eager parameters and a callback. Aneager parameter is a parameter that is handled before others, and acallback is what executes after the parameter is handled. The eagernessis necessary so that an earlier required parameter does not produce anerror message. For instance, if --version was not eager and aparameter --foo was required and defined before, you would need tospecify it for --version to work. For more information, seeCallback Evaluation Order.

A callback is a function that is invoked with three parameters: thecurrent Context, the current Parameter, and the value.The context provides some useful features such as quitting theapplication and gives access to other already processed parameters.

The expose_value parameter prevents the pretty pointless versionparameter from being passed to the callback. If that was not specified, aboolean would be passed to the hello script. The resilient_parsingflag is applied to the context if Click wants to parse the command linewithout any destructive behavior that would change the execution flow. Inthis case, because we would exit the program, we instead do nothing.

A very useful feature of Click is the ability to accept parameters fromenvironment variables in addition to regular parameters. This allowstools to be automated much easier. For instance, you might want to passa configuration file with a --config parameter but also support exportinga TOOL_CONFIG=hello.cfg key-value pair for a nicer developmentexperience.

This is supported by Click in two ways. One is to automatically buildenvironment variables which is supported for options only. To enable thisfeature, the auto_envvar_prefix parameter needs to be passed to thescript that is invoked. Each command and parameter is then added as anuppercase underscore-separated variable. If you have a subcommandcalled run taking an option called reload and the prefix isWEB, then the variable is WEB_RUN_RELOAD.

When using auto_envvar_prefix with command groups, the command nameneeds to be included in the environment variable, between the prefix andthe parameter name, i.e. PREFIX_COMMAND_VARIABLE. If you have asubcommand called run-server taking an option called host andthe prefix is WEB, then the variable is WEB_RUN_SERVER_HOST.

As options can accept multiple values, pulling in such values fromenvironment variables (which are strings) is a bit more complex. The wayClick solves this is by leaving it up to the type to customize thisbehavior. For both multiple and nargs with values other than1, Click will invoke the ParamType.split_envvar_value() method toperform the splitting.

Click can deal with alternative prefix characters other than - foroptions. This is for instance useful if you want to handle slashes asparameters / or something similar. Note that this is stronglydiscouraged in general because Click wants developers to stay close toPOSIX semantics. However in certain situations this can be useful:

If min or max is omitted, that side is unbounded. Any value inthat direction is accepted. By default, both bounds are closed, whichmeans the boundary value is included in the accepted range. min_openand max_open can be used to exclude that boundary from the range.

If clamp mode is enabled, a value that is outside the range is setto the boundary instead of failing. For example, the range 0, 5would return 5 for the value 10, or 0 for the value -1.When using FloatRange, clamp can only be enabled if bothbounds are closed (the default).

If you want to apply custom validation logic, you can do this in theparameter callbacks. These callbacks can both modify values as well asraise errors if the validation does not work. The callback runs aftertype conversion. It is called for all sources, including prompts.

In Click 1.0, you can only raise the UsageError but starting withClick 2.0, you can also raise the BadParameter error, which has theadded advantage that it will automatically format the error message toalso contain the parameter name.

This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the click package.It can be used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm, pytype etc. to check codethat uses click. The source for this package can be found at All fixes fortypes and metadata should be contributed there.

You can refer to the below post to get more clarifiy on different types of click\Types which you can perform. Better to try with Simulate Click or Send windows message. If its not working for you then, you use a loop and loop should continue until Element exists and scroll down and if found then use a break to exit out of the loop. This way you can avoid the errors.

Input actions require you or the robot to directly interact with an opened application or web page. There are three types of input methods for click and type actions, that differ in terms of compatibility and capability. We generally recommend the...

Simulate option effectiveness depends on the application which we are using. Some applications we could see the issue you mentioned like partially it works (some times it will do our stuff and some times not). For some applications it will not allow us to do simulate(we cannot work on background). 152ee80cbc

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