
You are cordially invited to the first Taipei Cleveringa Lecture. Professor emeritus Frans de Ruiter, founder and former director of Leiden University's Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), will speak about a new and hotly debated field of academic inquiry: artistic research. In his talk he will draw upon the work of many artists who were recently awarded the title of PhD, and give examples of their creative, artistic and scholarly endeavours. Included is a live vocal performance of one of Leiden's ACPA PhDs, Mark van Tongeren, who will demonstrate the process of his research project Thresholds of the Audible.

This Cleveringa Lecture will be introduced by Leiden University alumnus Guy Wittich, who is representative for the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taipei (NTIO).

Please join us for this unique global event!

We'll receive you with complimentary drinks and snacks from 18:00 onward.

Entrance is free, but we appreciate if you could register through the link below or the registration tab above.


How do ‘artistic researchers’ articulate what cannot be written? How do they oscillate from style to style, from rule to exception and from exception to rule again? What qualifies as a PhD, when it is partly based on a composition or an exhibition? What if the text itself is a website, instead of a printed thesis? These and other questions surround the emerging field of artistic research in Europe. Frans de Ruiter has supervised many artistic PhDs to successful completion. In his talk he will draw on examples ranging from Early Music to living composers and from typography to design, to highlight theoretical challenges of practise-based research. Video, audio and a short live performance will be part of the presentation.

About the Cleveringa Lectures

The Cleveringa Lecture in Taipei is part of a series of lectures presented annually in major cities around the world. Dealing with a wide range of current topics and delivered by prominent Leiden researchers, the Cleveringa Lectures commemorate the lecture that Prof. Mr. R.P. Cleveringa held at Leiden University on 26 November 1940. They are organised around that same date by the Leiden University Fund since 1946 in collaboration with local partners.

The Taipei Clevering Lecture and reception are made possible through the generous support of the NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office) in Taipei and the VNT (Vereniging Nederlanders in Taiwan/Dutch Society of Taiwan).


Monday 27 November 2017


18:00-18:30 Drinks and bites

18:30-19:15 Lecture

19:15-19:30 Q&A


Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU campus, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Daan District, Taipei. A map can be found under the "Venue" tab in the navigation toolbar.


Entrance is free but please register before Monday 20 November through this link or the "Registration" tab in the navigation toolbar.

More information

If you have any question do not hesitate to contact one of the local organisers:

  • Mark van Tongeren: mark @ fusica.nl / 0910382749
  • Ciska Kemper: ciska @ asiaa.sinica.edu.tw / 0932944428

Learn more about the organising institutions and sponsors:

LUF / Leiden University Fund: http://www.luf.nl/cleveringa

VNT / Vereniging Nederlandstaligen Taiwan: http://dutchclubtaiwan.com/

NTIO / Netherlands Trade and Investment Office: http://www.ntio.org.tw/


謹代表在台荷蘭聯誼會,誠摯地邀請您蒞臨2017年11月27日(一)假台灣大學天文數學館舉行之首場臺北克維林和紀念講座(Cleveringa Lecture)。本講座每年由全球荷蘭萊登大學校友籌辦,紀念萊登大學法學院克林維和教授在二次世界大戰間荷蘭受納粹德國占領時所發表的抗議演說。本講座由在台荷蘭聯誼會(Vereniging Nederlandstaligen Taiwan, VNT)代表萊登大學基金(Leids Universiteits Fonds, LUF)籌辦,並由荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處(Netherlands Trade and Investment Office in Taipei, NTIO)協辦。

本場次講座由萊登大學名譽教授Frans de Ruiter主講,De Ruiter教授為萊登大學創意與表驗藝術學院(Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, ACPA)創辦人暨前主任,將以新興且廣受熱議的藝術研究學門為講題。其中將介紹數位最近獲得博士學位的藝術家作品,並以他們在創意、藝術及學術上的嘗試為例演講。萊登大學創意與表演藝術學院Mark van Tongeren博士將現場以聲樂演出,並暢談他的研究計畫"聽力的臨界"(Thresholds of the Audible)。本講座將由萊登大學校友、荷蘭駐台北貿易投資辦事處紀維德代表擔任介紹人。




耑此 敬頌


Ciska Kemper 康逸雲(Academia Sinica, LUF, VNT)

Mark van Tongeren 溫馬克 (Fusica, LUF)

Guy Wittich紀維德 (NTIO, LUF, VNT)

André Verkade范安治 (NTIO)

林宜亭Christine Lin (Taiwan Thinktank, LUF) 敬邀