Recent years have seen renewed interest in generating reliable and internationally comparable data on children with disabilities. This has led to the development of new tools for data collection, including the Child Functioning Module, released by UNICEF and the Washington Group on Disability Statistics in 2016. It has also resulted in a substantial increase in the availability of data on children with disabilities over the last five years, fostering new data analyses and contributing to increased knowledge generation.

Conclusions:  Whether measured by simply counting the number of conditions or using the CIRS, the prevalence of multimorbidity is quite high and increases significantly with age in both men and women. Patients with multimorbidity seen in family practice represent the rule rather than the exception.

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Others on the list that have been rediscovered include a salamander that was found in Guatemala in 2017, 42 years after its last sighting, and an elephant shrew called the Somali sengi seen in Djibouti in 2019, its first recorded sighting since 1968.

The Parsi Community celebrates Navroze by going to the fire temple, praying and then eating good Parsi Food. It would be wonderful to set a haft seen table like yours.

 I have posted this link on my website for setting the Haft Seen Table.

Best regards and Norouz mubarak,


I may here remark that severe measures, in enforcing rule, have in many places been openly revealed. I have not seen chastisement administered by stripes, and in but few instances have I seen the rods and whips, but I have seen blows inflicted, both passionately and repeatedly.

While fans were used to seeing the actor on their screens in the '90s, it's been a minute since they've seen him IRL. In fact, the last time he was photographed was more than two years ago when he was spotted out on a walk with two small dogs in Los Angeles.

In the five years since adopting the SEL-oriented approach, Washoe schools have seen higher rates of attendance and scores on state reading and math tests, and fewer disciplinary infractions and suspensions among students with higher social and emotional skills. Graduation rates have gone up 18 percentage points across the district.

Object recognition is a key function in both human and machine vision. While brain decoding of seen and imagined objects has been achieved, the prediction is limited to training examples. We present a decoding approach for arbitrary objects using the machine vision principle that an object category is represented by a set of features rendered invariant through hierarchical processing. We show that visual features, including those derived from a deep convolutional neural network, can be predicted from fMRI patterns, and that greater accuracy is achieved for low-/high-level features with lower-/higher-level visual areas, respectively. Predicted features are used to identify seen/imagined object categories (extending beyond decoder training) from a set of computed features for numerous object images. Furthermore, decoding of imagined objects reveals progressive recruitment of higher-to-lower visual representations. Our results demonstrate a homology between human and machine vision and its utility for brain-based information retrieval.

In this study, we aim to decode seen and imagined object categories, including those not used in decoder training from fMRI signals measured while subjects either viewed or imagined object images. We extended the modular decoding approach originally developed for visual image reconstruction16 to the decoding of generic object categories.

Here we first demonstrate that visual feature values of seen objects calculated by the computational models can be predicted from multiple brain areas, showing tight associations between hierarchical visual cortical areas and the complexity levels of visual features. In addition, we show that stimulus-trained decoders can be used to decode visual features of imagined objects, providing evidence for the progressive recruitment of hierarchical neural representations in a top-to-bottom manner. Finally, we test whether the features predicted from brain activity patterns are useful for identifying seen and imagined objects for arbitrary categories.

To test the feasibility of generic decoding of seen and imagined objects from brain activity, we conducted two fMRI experiments: an image presentation experiment, and an imagery experiment (Fig. 2). In the image presentation experiment, fMRI signals were measured while subjects viewed a sequence of object images (Fig. 2a). The image presentation experiment consisted of two sessions: the training image session and the test image session. In the training image session, 1,200 images from 150 object categories (8 images from each category) were each presented once. In the test image session, 50 images from 50 object categories (one image from each category) were each presented 35 times. In the imagery experiment, fMRI signals were measured while subjects imagined about 1 of the 50 object categories (10 times for each category), which were the same as those in the test image session (Fig. 2b). The categories in the test image session and the imagery experiment were not used in the training image session. While we show results with fMRI signals averaged across all trials (35 trials for the test image session and 10 trials for the imagery experiment), quantitatively similar results were obtained with a much smaller number of averaged samples (see Supplementary Information).

We next conducted identification analysis14,16 to examine whether a predicted feature vector was useful for identifying a seen or imagined object. Because our approach is not constrained by the categories used for decoder training, we can perform identification analysis for thousands of object categories, including those not used for model training. Here the category of the seen or imagined object was identified from a variable number of candidate categories (Fig. 8). We constructed the candidate feature vector set consisting of object categories used in the test image session (and imagery experiments) and a specified number of object categories randomly selected from the 15,322 categories provided by ImageNet31. Given an fMRI sample, category identification was performed by selecting the category-average feature vector with the highest correlation coefficient with the predicted feature vector.

The analysis revealed that both seen and imagined objects were successfully identified with statistically significant accuracy for most of the feature types/layers (one-sided t-test, uncorrected P

We constructed decoding models to predict the visual feature vectors of seen objects from fMRI activity using a linear regression function. Here we used SLR ( _estimation/index.html)32 that can automatically select the important features for prediction. Sparse estimation is known to perform well when the dimensionality of the explanatory variable is high, as is the case with fMRI data59.

We trained linear regression models that predict feature vectors of individual feature types/layers for seen object categories given fMRI samples in the training image session. For test data sets, fMRI samples corresponding to the same categories (35 samples in the test image session, 10 samples in the imagery experiment) were averaged across trials to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the fMRI signals. Using the learned models, we predicted feature vectors of seen/imagined objects from averaged fMRI samples to construct one predicted feature vector for each of the 50 test categories.

How to cite this article: Horikawa, T. & Kamitani, Y. Generic decoding of seen and imagined objects using hierarchical visual features. Nat. Commun. 8, 15037 doi: 10.1038/ncomms15037 (2017).

In Seen and Unseen, Elizabeth Partridge and Lauren Tamaki weave together these photographers' images, firsthand accounts, and stunning original art to examine the history, heartbreak, and injustice of the Japanese American incarceration.

Source: T.259 (1850.07) What is seen and what is not seen (Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas). Published as a separate pamphlet. Contains as the first chapter "The Broken Window". [OC5, pp. 336-92.] [CW3]

In the sphere of economics an action, a habit, an institution or a law engenders not just one effect but a series of effects. Of these effects only the first is immediate; it is revealed simultaneously with its cause, it is seen. The others merely occur successively, they are not seen;3 we are lucky if we foresee them.

This distinction is also true, moreover, for hygiene and the moral code. Often, the sweeter the first fruit of a habit, the more bitter are those that follow. Examples of this are debauchery, laziness and prodigality. So when a man, touched by some effect that can be seen, has not yet learnt to discern those that are not seen, he gives way to disastrous habits, not just through inclination but deliberately.

This explains the inexorably painful evolution of the human race. Ignorance surrounds its cradle; it therefore makes up its mind with regards to its acts according to their initial consequences, the only ones it is able to see originally. It is only in the long run that it learns to take account of the others.5 Two masters, very different from one another, teach it this lesson: experience and foresight. Experience governs effectively but brutally. It teaches us all the effects of an action by having us feel them and we cannot fail to end up learning that fire burns, by burning ourselves. For this rough teacher, I would like, as far as possible to substitute a gentler one: foresight. This is why I will be seeking the consequences of certain economic phenomena by opposing those that are not seen to those that are seen.

If you suppose that it is necessary to spend six francs to repair the damage, if you mean that the accident provides six francs to the glazing industry and stimulates the said industry to the tune of six francs, I agree and I do not query in any way that the reasoning is accurate. The glazier will come, do his job, be paid six francs, rub his hands and in his heart bless the dreadful child. This is what is seen. be457b7860

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