Curriculum Vitae
PhD in Mathematics
2022 - today
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Co-advisor: José María Cantarero López
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
MSc in Mathematics
2020 - 2022
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
BSc in Mathematics (Teaching)
2019 - 2022
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
BSc in Mathematics
2015 - 2018
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
PhD Research Project
2022 - today
Title: Singular differential homology
Description: The main aim of this project consists in the construction of a natural differential extension of singular homology, dualizing the analogous extension in the framework of cohomology. In particular, the groups we are going to define are supposed to fit in suitable exact sequences, analogous to the cohomological ones. Moreover, we expect that the corresponding version of Poincaré duality holds. Depending on the time left, it would be natural to investigate how to generalize the previous construction to any (co)homology theory.
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2022/00676-3)
Research Visit
March 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025
Title: Twisted Borel K-theory and generalizations
Description: The present project is the natural continuation of the one realized by the former PhD student Alffer Gustavo Hernandez Posada, who computed some interesting twisted K-theory groups up to extension, i.e. he showed that they are the central term of a certain short exact sequence. This is a meaningful result, but it has to be completed by computing the groups themselves, not only up to extension. Moreover, these computations have been realized in the topological framework, and we aim to extend them to the differential setting.
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Host: José María Cantarero López
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2023/03876-6)
MSc Research Project
2020 - 2022
Title: Ordinary and twisted K-theory
Description: The candidate intends to deepen his knowledge on K-theory, considering its various significant versions and their main applications. Moreover, he is going to analyse in detail the construction of the most relevant models of twisted K-theory. In particular, he will concentrate on the model through twisted vector bundles, trying to show directly that it represents a twisted cohomology theory.
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2019/22159-8)
Undergraduate Research Project
2019 - 2020
Title: An introduction to $\infty$-categories
Description: The candidate, during his previous bachelor projects, learnt the basic concepts of Algebraic Topology (fundamental group and covering spaces, singular homology and cohomology, first notions about generalized cohomology theories). In this project we are going to study the language of $\infty$-categories, which is essential to understand the classification of topological field theories achieved by Jacob Lurie. At a first stage the candidate will have to deepen his knowledge about basic tools, in particular about higher homotopy groups and simplicial (co)homology within the categorical framework. Then, he will be introduced to higher category theory and he will complete the project dealing with the language of $\infty$-categories.
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2018/24174-1)
Undergraduate Research Project
2018 - 2019
Title: Topics on Algebraic Topology
Description: During the first six months the student will learn about singular homology and cohomology theories, in order to complete his knowledge about basic algebraic topology. Then we will start the study of topological K-theory and we will show explicitly that it is a generalized cohomological theory that obeys all the axioms of Eilenberg-Steenrod, except for the dimension one.
Advisor: Fabio Ferrari Ruffino
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2017/21378-2)
Undergraduate Research Project
2017 - 2018
Title: Unidimensional dynamical systems: lexicon, elementary concepts and some important theorems
Description: The project intends to give to the student an elementary background on discrete unidimensional dynamical systems, preparing him to research on this subject. For this purpose it proposes the study of the first chapter of ''An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems'' by R. Devaney, complemented by more advanced texts wrote to researchers in this area and providing scientific maturity to the student. The candidate will study fundamental concepts of dynamical systems including Symbolic Dynamics, Devaney's Definition of Chaos, the Sarkovskii's Theorem, Structural Stability, dynamics of maps in $S^1$ and fragments of Kneading Theory. In the end the student will have been seen a complete description of the illustrative behavior of the family of real maps $F_\mu(x)= \mu x(1-x)$, $\mu \in \mathbb{R}$, $\mu \geq 1$, including the phenomenon of period-doubling, the Poincaré's Classification Theorem for homeomorphisms in $S^1$.
Advisor: Liane Bordignon
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2016/21492-7)
Undergraduate Research Project
2016 - 2017
Title: Fundamental group and covering spaces
Description: The project intends to study the fundamental group of general topological spaces and some of its classical applications, especially the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem and the Bosuk-Ulam Theorem, together with a topological proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, as well as its relations with covering spaces.
Advisor: Daniel Vendrúscolo
Financial support: FAPESP Scholarship (2016/00470-5)