Media & News

Selected media coverage

Scrollen auf dem Klo: Trend zum Toilettengang mit Handy. Die Zeit, 30.06.2022
How we communicate, what we value – even who we are: 8 surprising things data science has revealed about us over the past decade. The Conversation, 07.03.2022
"Der Tag" - "Ich ist ein anderer“ – Unsere digitalen Doppelgänger
. Radio Interview at HR2 Kultur, 02.09.2021
Tapping into a new tool for research. Monitor on Psychology, Apr. 1st, 2021
Wenn das Smartphone verrät wer wie arbeitet.
Der Kurier, 27.02.2021
Das Handy-Ich. Die Zeit, Feb. 11th, 2021
Digital Health Tools Offer New Opportunities for Personalized Care.
Harvard Business Review, Nov. 18th, 2020
Im Smartphone Spiegelt sich unsere Persönlichkeit. Saarbrueckner Zeitung, October, 21, 2020
Beware: Your Phone Data Says a Lot About Your Personality, Psychology Today, Sept. 22, 2020
Psychologists Can Now Predict 57% Of Your Personality Traits From The Way You Use Your Smartphone. Forbes, Sep. 16th, 2020
Personality Traits Can Now Be Predicted Using Smartphone Data.
Science Times, Sept. 17, 2020
What Can Smartphones Reveal about Social Behavior.
Psychology Today, August, 13th, 2020
Smartphone, la batteria mai scarica? Sei una persona responsabile, La Republica, July 28th, 2020
Warum uns die Smartphone-Nutzung berechenbar macht, BR 24, July 25th, 2020
Smartphone-Nutzung lässt auf Persönlichkeitsmerkmale schließen, Tagesspiegel, July, 17th, 2020
Smartphone = personality. Privacy alert: a behavioural measurer is in your pocket. Cosmos, July 16th, 2020
Was ihr Smartphone über ihren Charakter verrät. MDR, July, 16th, 2020