Standards Connections

Below are standards that connect to the Caring for Clear Lake materials.

Next Generation Science Standards and the Environmental Principles and Concepts

Engaging in authentic research through a participatory science project can allow students to express their understanding in different ways and deepen their engagement across content standards. California adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in 2013, which called for an instructional shift focused on inquiry and systems thinking rather than the learning of discrete facts. In 2018 the California Department of Education (CDE) called for the Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs) to be integrated into all future frameworks. The EP&Cs are addressed through multiple academic content areas provided from the CDE Content Standards. 

Utilizing the UC Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science’s YCCS framework throughout the materials provides opportunities for students to engage with all three dimensions of NGSS. Students learn the disciplinary core idea as outlined in their grade level through the practice of analyzing and interpreting data, and gain a deeper understanding of the cross cutting concepts of systems and system models. They can access English Language Arts content on a more complex level because they see how their own observations and research are connected to their reading and writing. With this deeper understanding of how the ecosystems around them function, they begin to also understand the EP&Cs as they look at human impacts and ways they are able to take action and make change.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) K-12 Connections

Science and Engineering Practices 

Ask Questions

Develop and Use Models

Plan and Carry Out Investigations

Analyze and Interpret Data

Use Mathematical and Computational Thinking

Construct Explanations

Engage in Argument from Evidence

Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate Information

Define Problems and Design Solutions

Crosscutting Concepts


Cause and Effect

Scale, Proportion and Quantity

Systems and System Models

Energy and Matter

Structure and Function

Stability and Change

Life Science

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy and Dynamics

Heredity: Inheritance and Variability of Traits

Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

*Engineering Design

Earth Science

Earth’s Place in the Universe

Earth’s Systems

Earth and Human Activity

*Engineering Design

Physical Science

Matter and Its Interactions

Motion and Stability:  Forces and Interactions


Waves and Their Application in Technology for Information Transfer

*Engineering Design

Environmental Principles and Concepts Connections

Principle 1: People Depend on Natural Systems 

The continuation and health of individual human lives and of human communities and societies depend on the health of the natural systems that provide essential goods and ecosystem services.

Principle 2: People Influence Natural Systems

The long-term functioning and health of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal, and marine ecosystems are influenced by their relationships with human societies.

Principle 3: Natural Systems Change in Ways that People Benefit From and Can Influence

Natural systems proceed through cycles that humans depend upon, benefit from, and can alter.

Principle 4: There are no Permanent or Impermeable Boundaries that Prevent Matter from Flowing Between Systems

The exchange of matter between natural systems and human societies affects the long-term functioning of both.

Principle 5: Decisions Affecting Resources and Natural Systems are Complex and Involve Many Factors

Decisions affecting resources and natural systems are based on a wide range of considerations and decision-making processes.