The Most Efficient House Cleaning Tips

Everyone likes a clean house, but no one wants to clean it. Cleaning is unquestionably one of the most abhorrent activities. Most people are not sure what they should clean first, for example, whether they should clean the kitchen or go for the bathroom first, and vice versa. Well, you can hire professional cleaners if you want; they will clean your house meticulously. Quicklyn is a top-rated cleaning company based in the New York City location. It offers a wide variety of cleaning services at the most affordable prices, including cleaning services for short term rental, deep cleaning services, Airbnb cleaning services, and more. Quicklyn’s average cleaning cost for Airbnb and the average rate for house cleaning is pretty reasonable like its other services.

However, here are some most efficient house cleaning tips that will help you clean your entire house pretty quickly.

Clean the Whole House in One Go

Cleaning can be much more efficient if you do the same task everywhere; for example, if you are dusting, vacuuming, or mopping, do it everywhere rather than cleaning one place. If you clean different parts of your home one by one, you may feel that you are stuck in an endless cleaning cycle.

Gather All Your Cleaning Tools in One Portable Place

You won’t have to waste your time gathering your cleaning tools if you have them in a caddy, tote, or bucket.

Remove the Clutter

Whenever you start cleaning, start with picking up the clutter, gather all items, including magazines, old sneakers, well-read paperbacks, etc.

Dust or Vacuum

Make sure that the fan is turned off while you are dusting. If you are vacuuming, don’t stay in one place; keep moving throughout your house.


Sweep the bathroom and kitchen floors. Make sure you start mopping from the farthest corner of your room and move in the backward direction towards the doorway. Keep rinsing the mop after mopping a 4-by-4 foot area.

Wash Your Cleaning Tools Routinely

Keeping the cleaning tools clean is crucial to clean your home efficiently; otherwise, you will end up spending more time trying to clean.

These are some of the best cleaning practices that might help you clean your home more efficiently.

However, if you are entirely fed up with every day’s cleaning routines, you should contact Quicklyn. It is one of the most renowned cleaning service companies in New York City that will provide you with top-notch cleaners at the most affordable price range. Quicklyn’s Average cleaning cost for Airbnb services and the average rate for house cleaning services are pretty reasonable. You can contact the company to get high-end maid services, cleaning service for short term rental, and many more.

Quicklyn’s cleaners are very reliable and professional; they will give you a spectacular cleaning service experience. The company has fantastic customer reviews, they have worked with many clients, and almost all of them are very happy and satisfied with their services. You should also give a call to Quicklyn if you wanted to get the best quality home & commercial cleaning services at an affordable price.