CPCB Sponsored Training Programme

Cleaner Technologies & Waste Minimization for Prevention of Industrial Pollution


Four R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover - case studies

24th - 26th October 2018

The workshop is organized at Centre for the Environment,IIT Guwahati. The programme will provide an understanding of basic knowledge of industrial waste minimization technologies along with process sizing and design principles for both conventional and some of the newer and emerging treatment technologies. This course is designed for CPCB officials or individuals seeking to enter the waste management field, and for engineers and practitioners in government agencies, wastewater treatment utilities and engineering consulting firms.

The workshop will confer and demonstrate the recent trends, technologies and methods that have been adopted to bypass production of large amount of industrial pollutants and effluents. Bio-remediation coupled with chemical engineering to convert hazardous effluents into non-toxic materials before disposal will be discussed. Minimization of the use of carcinogenic chemicals and petroleum byproducts through greener technologies will also be covered in this course. The programme will consist of invited lectures as well as hands on training.

This program will enable propagation of knowledge among CPCB/SPCB officials as well as scientists, academicians and teachers across the country and will help implementation of benign, clean technologies to reduce, reuse, recycle and recovery of industrial waste for better economy and environment.