Mid-Hudson Region Communities Round Up


  • Cost and Energy Savings: Many communities are converting their streetlights to LEDs and capturing significant cost and energy savings by doing so! Communities are aggregating their streetlighting projects in partnership with NYPA to bring costs down in several of our counties.

  • Hudson Valley Regional Council (HVRC) can provide significant assistance to your community, including provision of an LED Streetlighting Conversion Costs Analysis. This analysis outlines side-by-side the potential savings for LED conversion in both utility and municipally-owned conversion pathways, based on your community’s current street lighting bills.

  • Contact HVRC today at (845) 564-4075 to sign-up for your free LED Streetlighting Conversion Costs Analysis!


  • Dutchess County’s Climate Smart Community Task Force held their first meeting on 12/20/18 to outline the County’s plans to pursue Climate Smart Community certification in the next 12-18 months.

  • Many municipalities in the Mid-Hudson Region received funding via the 2018 NYS Consolidated Funding Application. The full list of awarded projects includes many communities that received NYSDEC Climate Smart Communities funding.

  • NYSDEC’s 2018 CSC Climate Smart awards in our region include:

    • The Town of Philipstown was awarded $6,000 for its Climate Smart Communities Campaign. In addition, Philipstown’s received $9,670 to inventory greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through a consumption-based inventory.

    • The Town of Poughkeepsie was awarded $45,000 for its Comprehensive Plan Update with Sustainability Elements. Poughkeepsie’s comprehensive plan update will include a complete streets policy, bicycle and walking infrastructure planning, and a natural resource inventory.

    • The Village of Port Chester received $50,000 to develop its Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan, a climate adaptation strategy for sea-level rise along the Byram River.