Clean Energy Communities News

This webpage archives newsletters developed by the Eastern Upstate New York Territory Team.

The Capital District Regional Planning Commission serves as the manager of the Eastern Upstate New York Territory for the new Clean Energy Communities Leadership Round, which is delivered through a unique partnership of regional agencies that administer the program in four New York State Economic Development Council Regions: the North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital Region, and Mid-Hudson regions. In addition to CDRPC, the Eastern Upstate NY Territory Team includes the Adirondack North Country Association, the Mohawk Valley Economic Development District and the Hudson Valley Regional Council. The Team is also supported by Climate Action Associates, LLC, Courtney Strong, Inc., and the Center for Economic and Environmental Partnership, Inc.

CDRPC helps local governments in the Capital Region deploy NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities program to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects.

Local governments can work alongside their local Clean Energy Community Coordinator to determine which four High Impact Actions to implement to earn Clean Energy Community designation and qualify for grant funding. Each high-impact action is worth points that count toward point-based grant funding.

For more information on the Clean Energy Communities program, visit