Examen 3: Planning with God


Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at Your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come to help them. They came and filled both boats so that they were in danger of sinking. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” (Luke 5:5-8)

Phil. 2:1-13 “Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus”

Col. 1:9-12 “We do not cease praying...asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will”

Introduction & Welcome (1 min.)

I. Opening Prayer (5 min.)

Grace: To collaborate with God more fully in the choices I make.

Use the grace or a suggested scripture above to create your own prayer, or use the one below:

Lord, thank You for the gift of this group and all that we have experienced together. We thank you also for Your friend Ignatius and the gift of his ways of praying. We ask particularly for the grace to collaborate with You more fully in the choices that we’ll make in the future, as we learn to plan with You through the last step of the Examen. Please continue to enfold us in Your love as we deepen our prayer lives, bringing us closer to You, each other, and our truest selves. Amen.

II. Check-In (5 min.)

    • What were some of your high and low points of the week?

III. Focus Exercise (40 min.)

Materials Needed: CLC Journal booklets, focus on “Grateful for God’s Presence and Action


Tonight, we will be introduced to two things: (1) a method of prayer known as Ignatian Meditation (very close to and sometimes known as Lectio Divina) and (2) the final step of the Awareness Examen. Ignatian Meditation is a prayerful way of reading Scripture, paying attention to how God might be speaking to you through what moves you in a given passage. We will first try this form of prayer and then move on to the last step of the Examen.

Exercise 1: Ignatian Meditation (15 min.)

Use the “Ignatian Meditation” to guide the group through this form of prayer, using Luke 5:5-8, or another suggested passage.


Note: There will be a deeper opportunity for members to share what is in their hearts in the next exercise. Focus on how they found the method of Ignatian Meditation to work.

    1. What was your overall experience with this form of prayer?
    2. Were you able to notice what parts resonated with or challenged you?
    3. Were you able to be attentive to what feelings were emerging in you or any deeper stirrings?
    4. How did you find the colloquy or conversation at the end of the prayer?

Exercise #2: The Awareness Examen (steps 1-4) and Ignatian Mediation (step 5) (20 min.)

Invite members to pray, “Grateful for God’s Presence and Action,” which can be found in their journal booklets on page 48. Play some instrumental music as every member prayerfully completes steps 1-4 of the Examen by filling in #1-4. Instruct them not to move on to step 5 yet. Wait till everyone is done.

Next, have them use the tools of Ignatian Meditation that they just learned to look back over what they have written in #1-4. Instruct them to:

    1. Read their Examen several times and pick 3 points (words, phrases, images, thoughts, ideas) to ponder and reflect on. Notice what parts resonate with them. Note any words, images or concepts that strike or challenge them. Stay there and ruminate on them; let God’s Spirit guide their thinking, imagining, remembering, etc.
    2. Notice what feelings emerge within them as they meditate on what they wrote. Do the feelings lead them to a deeper experience of God/grace? Savor that experience and listen to what God might reveal to them.
    3. Notice if there are any deeper stirrings within their hearts or any meaningful interior movements that they can recognize.


    1. Is there anything from the Examen you would like to share (what was in your heart or what did you experience)?
    2. Have you ever felt that you could allow God to enter into your planning? What was this like? Did it change your plans? Can you relate to Peter and his experience of having to recast his nets, as Jesus asked him to do?

Listening Deeper

    • What has struck you as you have been listening to others share? Do you notice any patterns or commonalities?
    • How have you been feeling throughout the meeting? Comfortable? Anxious? Curious?
    • Is there anything you would like to share after listening to another person share?

IV. Moving Forward (5 min.)

  • Wrap-Up: Thank members for their openness and participation.
  • Action: Continue to pray the Examen, using all 5 steps, paying particular attention to step 5. Ask yourself: Am I planning with God or leaving God out of my daily plans?
  • Announcements: Topic for next meeting and upcoming CLC events.

V. Closing Prayer (5 min.)

Create your own closing prayer or have a member bring one in to share.