Examen 1: Praising God


Then the Lord said, "go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by." A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord--but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake--but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was fire--but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

Luke 17:11-19 “And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God…”

Eph. 3:14-21 “...comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth...”

Introduction & Welcome (1 min.)

I. Opening Prayer (5 min.)

Grace: To grow in awareness of and gratitude for God’s action in my daily life.

Use the grace or a suggested scripture above to create your own prayer, or use CLC Opening Prayer.

III. Focus Exercise (40’): The Awareness Examen (steps 1-2)

Materials Needed: Spiritual journals, “Awareness Examen Steps 1-2, Free Writing”


(Paraphrase in your own words) As mentioned earlier, one hallmark of our CLC spirituality is to find God in all things and discover our calling in life. It's crucial for us to take time to reflect upon our life experiences and to record them in journals because God speaks to us through our life experiences. Keeping a spiritual journal will deepen our awareness and help us to track God moving within us. Ignatius gives us a tool to do this in the Awareness Examen. We experienced a sort of the Examen with the Mountain Motif exercise earlier. Tonight we are going to learn and experience the first two steps of Ignatius’ five-step examen.

(Play instrumental music in the background) Allow each member about 5 minutes to decorate their spiritual journals. Make sure they put their names on it. If some forget to bring one, they can use paper to make one.

Other option: Use their CLC journal booklets as their spiritual journals.

Exercise: The Awareness Examen, Steps 1-2

Step 1: Pray for Light

Place yourself in a comfortable position. Do not be so comfortable that you will be tempted to fall asleep. Sit up straight in a steady posture so that the oxygen flows through your body freely. I invite you to close your eyes...Slowly breathe in and out, filling your lungs with the fresh air that gives us life and wellness. As you exhale, think about releasing all the negative feelings and thoughts you have carried with you on this day. As you inhale, ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to see yourself, others, and the whole world through God’s eyes and feel with God’s heart. Exhale judgments and burdens.

Step 2: Review Your Day in Thanksgiving

Now begin to ask yourself what gifts you have received today that you are thankful for. What are you grateful for in your day? (pause for 60 seconds). Now open your eyes.

Please write down the question in your spiritual journal (repeat the question, “What are you grateful for in your day?”) and try to recall 3 gifts or graces you have received today that you are grateful for…(Allow about 5 minutes to write in their spiritual journals in silence).


Suggested questions to generate more conversation:

    1. Were you able to feel God’s presence in the first step as you asked for light? What was this experience like?
    2. Did you feel yourself being inspired, being guiding by God’s presence, as you were journaling? How so?
    3. What did you see were the gifts or graces of your day that you can be grateful for?

Listening Deeper

    • What has struck you as you have been listening to others share? Do you notice any patterns or commonalities?
    • How have you been feeling throughout the meeting? Comfortable? Anxious? Curious?
    • Is there anything you would like to share after listening to another person share?

IV. Moving Forward (5 min.)

  • Wrap-Up: Thank members for their openness and participation, particularly if this was a new way of praying for them. Emphasize that the Examen is a central part of Ignatian spirituality, which grounds the spirituality and life of CLC.
  • Action: 5 minutes a day with God
    • Pray, “Awareness Examen Steps 1-2 Free Writing,” in their journal booklets (see below). Encourage everyone to practice this prayer daily in the next two weeks. Invite them to record three things for which they are grateful each day in their spiritual journals. Ask the group to try to notice how their prayer experience deepens as they pay greater attention to the many blessings God has placed in their life.

Awareness Examen Steps 1-2 Free Writing

“You sanctify whatever you are grateful for.” Anthony de Mello, S.J.

    1. Using stream of consciousness writing, I let my pen and spirit guide me without worrying about forming complete thoughts or sentences. Today, I feel alive/peace/energized/hopeful/grateful when…
    2. I thank God for all the above because these are the concrete ways God is loving/gifting me today in the unique and personal way that I am…
  • Announcements:
    • Topic for next meeting and upcoming CLC events.
    • *Encourage members to bring their spiritual journals for the next two meetings.*

V. Closing Prayer (5 min.)

  • Center each member prayerfully in a few minutes of silence. Invite each person voice aloud a word or phrase that captures their experience of the meeting or how they are feeling as they prepare to leave the meeting.
  • End with a song, “Awesome God” or similar song.