Seasonal Cleaning Checklist: What Not to Overlook

The arrival of a new season often brings with it the opportunity for change. It's a time for renewal, rebirth, and yes - a time for cleaning. Whether it's the warmth of spring or the chill of winter, each season presents its own unique challenges and considerations when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your home. However, amid the flurry of scrubbing, mopping, and dusting, there are areas of the house that often get overlooked. Let's delve into a seasonal cleaning checklist to ensure your home remains fresh, welcoming, and above all, clean all year round.

Essential Yet Overlooked Cleaning Tasks

While they offer shade and privacy, curtains and blinds also attract dust and allergens. Most drapes are machine washable, but check the cleaning instructions to avoid shrinking or damaging them. Blinds can be wiped with a damp cloth or cleaned with a vacuum brush attachment.

Appliances like refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines are notorious for collecting dirt, food particles, and dust bunnies. Move these appliances away from the wall carefully and sweep or vacuum behind them. For the underside of appliances, use a long-handled appliance brush.

tend to focus on the items inside these storage spaces and forget the spaces themselves. Empty them out and wipe down the interiors with a damp cloth and mild cleaner. Pay attention to the corners where crumbs and dust tend to gather.

Over time, your mattress can accumulate dust mites and skin cells. Vacuum it, and if possible, let it air outside or near an open window. Also, consider using a mattress protector to keep it clean longer.

Yes, they're designed to hold trash, but that doesn't mean they have to be filthy. Empty and thoroughly wash your bins with hot water and disinfectant to eliminate lingering odors and bacteria.

These often-overlooked areas can gather a surprising amount of dust. Wipe them down with a microfiber cloth or use a vacuum with a brush attachment.

Seasonal cleaning shouldn't stop at your doorstep. Outdoor spaces like patios, decks, and balconies need attention too. Sweep the area, wash outdoor furniture, and prune any overgrown plants. You may read more in this article:

Air ducts and vents can accumulate dust, leading to poor air quality in your home. While a full duct cleaning might require professional help, you can clean the visible parts of vents with a damp cloth.

These everyday devices are dust and fingerprint magnets. Use a can of compressed air to remove dust from keyboard crevices and clean screens with a microfiber cloth and suitable cleaner.

Clean these fixtures seasonally to prevent dust build-up, which can eventually affect their performance. For ceiling fans, use a pillowcase to catch dust while cleaning the blades.


By ensuring these often-overlooked areas are part of your seasonal cleaning routine, your home will not only look cleaner but also be a healthier place for you and your family. Remember, a thorough cleaning now can save time, effort, and even health issues down the line. So gear up, get started, and don't forget to check off these tasks from your seasonal cleaning checklist.