International Journals

Social Position and Fairness Views on Inequality
Joint with Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg (CEBI) and Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard).
Review of Economic Studies 90(6), 2023, 3083-3118.
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How do Households Repond to Unemployment Shocks? Lessons from Multiple High-frequency Data Sets
Joint with Asger Lau Andersen, Amalie Sofie Jensen, Niels Johannesen, Søren Leth-Petersen and Adam Sheridan (CEBI)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15(4), 2023, 1-29.
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Danish Flexicurity: Rights and Duties
Joint with Michael Svarer (Aarhus University).
Journal of Economics Perspectives 36(4), 2022, 81-102.
Download: Article  -  News paper article  (kronik) in Jyllands-Posten

Is Inequality in Subjective Well-Being Meritocratic? Danish Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Joint with Isabel Skak Olufsen (CEBI)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 203, 2022, 336-367.
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Preferences Predict who Commits Crime among Young Men
Joint with Thomas Epper, Ernst Fehr, Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg, Søren Leth-Petersen and Gregers Nytoft Rasmussen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2022, 2112645119.
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Understanding the Rise in Life Expectancy Inequality
Joint with Gordon B. Dahl (UCSD), Torben Heien Nielsen (CEBI) and Benjamin Ly Serena (CBS)
Review of Economics and Statistics 2021, doi:
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Time Discounting and Wealth Inequality
with Thomas Epper, Ernst Fehr, Helga Fehr-Duda, David D. Lassen, Søren Leth-Petersen and Gregers Nytoft Rasmussen.
American Economic Review 110(4), 2020, 1177-1205.
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Minimum Wages and Youth Unemployment: Evidence from a Danish Discontinuity
with Daniel Reck and Peer E. Skov
Review of Economics and Statistics 102(2), 2020, 339-354.
Download: Article  -  CEBI working paper  -  Media Briefing  -  Marginal Revolution

Financial Trouble Across Generations: Evidence From the Universe of Personal Loans in Denmark
with Søren Leth-Petersen and Louise Willerslev-Olsen
Economic Journal 130(625), 2020, 233-262.
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Neonatal Health of Parents and Cognitive Development of Children
with Hans Henrik Sievertsen
Journal of Health Economics 69, 2020, 102247.
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Liquidity Constraint Tightness and Consumer Responses to Fiscal Stimulus Policy
with David Dreyer Lassen and Søren Leth-Petersen).
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 11(1), 2019, 351-379.
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The Role of Income Mobility for the Measurement of Inequality in Life Expectancy
with Torben Heien Nielsen and Benjamin Ly Serana
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2018, 201811455.
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Born with a silver spoon: Danish evidence on intergenerational wealth formation from cradle to adulthood
with Simon H. Boserup and Wojciech Kopczuk
Economic Journal 128, 2018, F514-F544.
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Baumol's cost disease and the sustainability of the welfare state
with Torben M. Andersen
Economica 84, 2017, 417–429.
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Pension saving responses to anticipated tax changes: Evidence from monthly pension contribution records.
with Søren Leth-Petersen and Peer Ebbesen Skov
Economics Letters 150, 2017, 104-107.
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The Role of Bequests in Shaping Wealth Inequality: Evidence from Danish Wealth Records
with Simon H. Boserup and Wojciech Kopczuk
Papers and proceedings, American Economic Review 106, 2016, 656-661.
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Tax Reforms and Intertemporal Shifting of Wage Income: Evidence from Danish Monthly Payroll Records
with Søren Leth-Petersen and Peer Ebbesen Skov
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8, 2016, 233-257.
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Why Can Modern Governments Tax So Much? An Agency Model of Firms as Fiscal Intermediaries
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven and Emmanuel Saez
Economica 83, 2016, 219-246.
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Taxation and the Long Run Allocation of Labor
with Jakob Roland Munch and Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen
Journal of Public Economics 127, 2015, 74–86.
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Year-End Tax Planning of Top Management: Evidence from High-Frequency Payroll Data
with Søren Leth-Petersen and Peer Ebbesen Skov
Papers and proceedings, American Economic Review 105(4), 2014, 154-158.
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Optimal Provision of Public Goods: A Synthesis
with Nicolaj Verdelin
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114, 2012, 384–408.
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Unwilling or Unable to Cheat? Evidence from a Tax Audit Experiment in Denmark
with Henrik Kleven, Martik Knudsen, Søren Pedersen and Emmanuel Saez
Econometrica 79, 2011, 651–692.
Download: Article  -  Policy Brief in European Economy Papers of the European Commission  -  NBER Digest

Optimal Tax and Transfer Programs for Couples with Extensive Labor Supply Responses
with Herwig Immervoll, Henrik Kleven and Nicolaj Verdelin
Journal of Public Economics 95, 2011, 1485-1500.
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Optimal Income Taxation of Couples
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, London School of Economics and CEPR, and Emmanuel Saez, UC Berkeley and NBER
Econometrica 77, 2009, 537-560.
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Evaluation of Four Tax Reforms in the United States: Labor Supply and Welfare Effects for Single Mothers
with Nada Eissa, Georgetown University and NBER and Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, London School of Economics and CEPR
Journal of Public Economics 92, 2008, 795-816.
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Optimal Taxation of Married Couples with Household Production
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, London School of Economics and CEPR
Public Finance Analysis 63, 2007, 1-21.
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Welfare Reform in European Countries: A Micro-Simulation Analysis
with Herwig Immervoll, University of Cambridge and OECD, Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenhagen, and Emmanuel Saez, UC Berkeley and NBER
Economic Journal 117, 2007, 1-44
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The Marginal Cost of Public Funds: Hours of Work vs. Labor Force Participation
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenha­gen
Journal of Public Economics 90, 2006, 1955-1973
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Optimal Workfare with Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment
with Torben Tranæs, Rockwool Foundation Research Unit and IZA
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 107, 2005, pp. 459-474
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The Role of Taxes as Automatic Destabilizers in New Keynesian Economics
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenhagen
Journal of Public Economics 87, 2003, pp. 1123-1236
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Endogenous Growth: A Knife-Edge or the Razor’s Edge
with Carl-Johan Dal­gaard, University of Copenhagen
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105, 2003, pp. 73-85
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Do the New Keynesian Microfoundations Rationalise Stabilisation Policy?
Economic Journal 112, 2002, pp. 384-401
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Dual Labour Markets and Nominal Rigidity
with Huw Dixon, University of York, UK and Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenhagen
Oxford Economic Papers 54, 2002, pp. 561-583
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Duration Dependent Unemployment Benefits in Trade Union Theory
with Hans Jørgen Jacobsen, University of Copenhagen
European Economic Review 46, 2002, pp. 1229-1251
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Fixed Production Capacity, Menu Costs and the Output-Inflation Relationship
with Leif Danziger, York University, Canada
Economica 69, 2002, pp. 433-444
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Is Declining Productivity Inevitable?
with Carl-Johan Dalgaard, University of Copenhagen
Journal of Economic Growth 6, 2001, pp. 187-203
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Pay-per-view Broadcasting of Outstanding Events: Consequences of a Ban
with Søren Kyhl, University of Copenhagen
International Journal of Industrial Organiza­tion 19, 2001, pp. 589-609
Download: Article  -  Article in the newspaper Politiken 8 August 2000  

Ambiguous Effects of Tax Progressivity - Theory and Danish Evidence
with Lars Haagen Pedersen, Statistics Denmark and Torsten Sløk, IMF
Labour Economics 7, 2000, pp. 335-347
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A Mixed Industrial Structure Magnifies the Importance of Menu Costs
with Huw Dixon, University of York, UK
European Economic Review 43, 1999, pp. 1475-1499
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Lower Tax Progression, Longer Hours and Higher Wages
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101(1), 1999, pp. 49-65
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Second-Best Antitrust in General Equilibrium - A Special Case
Economics Letters 63(2), 1999, pp. 193-199
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Long Run Impact of Increased Wage Pressure
Journal of Economics 69(2), 1999, pp. 141-157
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Contributions to International Books/Collections

Unwilling or Unable to Cheat? Evidence from a Tax Audit Experiment in Denmark
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Martin Knudsen, Søren Pedersen and Emmanuel Saez).
Economic Behavior and Taxation, eds. James Alm and Sebastian Leguizamon, Edward Elgar. Reprint of Econometrica 79, 2011, 651–692.
Link to book:

Measuring the Accuracy of Survey Responses using Administrative Register Data: Evidence from Denmark
with David Dreyer Lassen and Søren Leth-Petersen
In Improving the Measurement of Household Consumption Expenditures, eds. Christopher Carroll, Thomas Crossley, John Sabelhaus, (NBER Book Series Studies in Income and Wealth), 2015.
Link to book:

Is Declining Productivity Inevitable?
with Carl-Johan Dalgaard
in J. Creedy, T. Williams and R. Guest (eds.), New Developments in the Economics of Population Ageing/The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Reprint of Journal of Economic Growth 6, 2001, pp. 187-203.
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Evaluating Tax Reform: Labor Supply at the Intensive and Extensive Margins
with Nada Eissa, Georgetown University and NBER, and Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenhagen Tax Policy and Labour Market Performance (eds. Jonas Agell and Peter Birch Sørensen), 2006, MIT Press.
Link to book:

Effort Commitment in Active Labour Market Policy
with Torben Tranæs, University of Copenhagen,
in Macroeconomic Perspectives on the Danish Economy, T. M. Andersen, S. E. H. Jensen, and O. Risager (ed.), 1999, MacMilian Press, London.
Link to book:

Books in Danish

Skat, Arbejde og Lighed

with Torben Tranæs (ed.), Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Niels-Kenneth Nielsen and Peder J. Pedersen

The Rockwool Foundation, 2006, Gyldendal, Copenhagen.

Danish Referred Journals

Labor Supply Behavior and the Design of Tax and Transfer Policy
with Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, University of Copenhagen
Danish Journal of Economics 143, 2005, 321-358
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Global Income Disparity in a Growth Theoretic Perspective - an Introduction to the Convergence Controversy
with Carl-Johan Dalgaard, University of Copenhagen
Danish Journal of Economics 137, 1999, pp. 305‑325
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On the Relationship Between Marginal Taxes and Wages: Theory and Danish Evidence
with Lars Haagen Pedersen, Statistics Denmark and Torsten Sløk, IMF
Danish Journal of Economics 134, 1996, pp. 153‑174
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Book Reviews

Involuntary Unemployment: The Elusive Quest for a Theory
by Michel De Vroey
European Journal of Political Economy 21, 2005, pp. 1101-1103

Introduction to Macroeconomic Theory
by Jesper Jespersen
Danish Journal of Economics 1, 2001

Other journal publications

Introduction to the special issue
with Eva Mörk, Uppsala University)
Conference volume of the International Tax and Public Finance 26, 2019, pp. 1231 – 1233

Topskat, selvfinansieringsgrad og velfærd (Taxation, degree of self-finance and welfare)
with Peer Ebbesen Skov
Samfundsøkonomen 4, December 2016.

What makes tax payers comply? Lessons from a tax audit experiment in Denmark
European Economy. Economic Papers 463. European Commission. October 2012

På vej mod Ny Økonomi?(On the Road to a New Economy?)
Samfundsøkonomen 2001:4 (Danish economic journal)