Claus Thustrup Kreiner

Professor at University of Copenhagen and Director of CEBI

CEBIDepartment of Economics University of Copenhagen

Short bio: I am Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) at the University of Copenhagen. I serve as Area Director of Public Economics in the CESifo network and was a co-editor of the Journal of Public Economics from 2014 to 2020. Most of my research has centered on Public Economics, but I have also published research in many other areas. My work with colleagues at CEBI, Columbia University, Harvard University, London School of Economics and UC Berkeley includes articles in American Economic Review, Econometrica, PNAS and Review of Economic Studies dealing with inequality in income, wealth and health, optimal tax and transfer policy and behavioral responses to public policy. I gave the Richard Musgrave Lecture 2020 where I talked about the role of behavior for inequality and public policy. I have practical policy experience from being member of the Danish 2008-2009 Tax Commission and co-chair of the Danish Economic Council (vismand) 2010-2014. I am currently part of an Expert Commission on the Design of a Green Tax Reform to achieve the ambitious Danish goal of 70% emissions reduction by 2030 and Chair of an Expert Commission on Reforming the Danish Active Labor Market Policy

Examples of Recent Research 

Do patient individuals become wealthier?

American Economic Review (2020)

Who commits crime?

PNAS (2022)

How well do people perceive their social positions?

Review of Economic Studies (2023)