It is important to continue experimenting in a natural way to see how far you can warp and reshape the sound and still make sure that it is still recognizable and pleasant.
The Cd is a perfect synthesis of different musical styles (from ambient to comtemporary and progressive music). The samplers, great collectors of inexhaustible sound waves, are mixed with border musicians: Claudio Gabbiani (guitars, electronics) , Chris Cutler (drum, percussions, objects and electronics), Roberto Musci (samplers) and Jon Rose (cello, tenor violin). Auditorium (Italy) 2000
You are listening "Nightnursing"
The origins of all humanity comes from Africa. The roots of all music comes of this continent. This Cd is homage to an ancient musical culture from an italian contemporary musician that loves that musical heritage. Recorded, edited and mixed by CG Studio Milano 2002. Halidon (Italy)2002
Recording of the the live soundtrack of silent movie " Der Golem ". With: Roberto Musci, Giorgio Magnanensi, Roberto Zanisi, Silvia Mandolini and Marco Ruggeri. Lowlands (Belgium) 1997
You are listening "Voices of the ancient"
The recording of live soundtrack of silent movies " Regen " and " The bridge " (directed by Joris Ivens) and " Manhatta" (directed by C.Sheeler & P.Strand). With Chris Cutler, Jon Rose and Roberto Musci. Recommended Records (UK) 1999
You are listening "20"
A musical project for computer generated synthetic voices. Loa are Haitian Voodoo deities, they bring trance and possession: Agawe, Azaca, Guede, Ogu, Ibo... All Loa of music. The paintings are Vever. Voodoo magical symbols. A different Vever in each cd, a Loa in each song. With Roberto Musci. Lowlands (Belgium) 1997
You are listening "The fragility of the oscillation"
Hypnosis is the first part of a project that, starting from the idea of minimalist music, uses very short musical fragments that are repeated and overlaid in a continuum that proceeds by minimal variations in rhythm, length, pitch and timbre. Listening to music, accompanied by particular concentration, can lead to a state of hypnosis, of meditative consciousness.
You are listening "Space Jazz"
Second part of the project based on minimalism but with the use of many rhythmic and melodic components The slow variation of the sound material wants to focus on the small details, on the nuances.
You are listening "Electric Flower"
Final part of the minimalist rhythm project; making music perceive as a sound "presence", freed from the duty to necessarily communicate a message, an idea or a story. the idea of hypnotic and contemplative music.
You are listening "Piano minimal"
First part of a project for a personal vision of the rhythms and sounds of everyday life
You are listening " Nu Na"
Second part of a project for a personal vision of the rhythms and sounds of everyday life
You are listening "Hip"