
Handbook of Mobile Data Privacy, Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, Claudio Bettini (Eds.), Springer. ISBN: 9783319981604, 2018.

Privacy in Location-Based Applications, C. Bettini, S. Jajodia, P. Samarati, X. S. Wang (Eds.), State of the Art Survey, LNCS vol. 5599, Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-642-03510-4

C. Bettini, S. Jajodia, X.S. Wang. Time Granularities in Databases, Data Mining, and Temporal Reasoning 230 pp., Springer-Verlag, July 2000. ISBN: 978-3-540-66997-5. (Errata Corrige, pdf 30k).

  Journal papers

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  Guest edited journal issues and edited proceedings.

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