Recent Publications

Perino, Grischa and Claudia Schwirplies (2022): Meaty arguments and fishy effects: Field experimental evidence on the impact of reasons to reduce meat consumption, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management (forthcoming).

Lange, Andreas, Jan Schmitz and Claudia Schwirplies (2022): Inequality, role reversal and cooperation in multiple group membership settings, Experimental Economics 25, 68–110.

Schwirplies, Claudia (2020): Private Ancillary Benefits in a Joint Production Framework, in: Buchholz, W., Markandya, A., Rübbelke, D, Vögele, S. (Eds.), Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy. New Theoretical Developments and Empirical Findings, Springer.

Schwirplies, Claudia, Joachim Schleich, Elisabeth Dütschke, and Andreas Ziegler (2019): The willingness to offset CO2 emissions from traveling: Findings from discrete choice experiments with different framings, Ecological Economics 165, 1-16.

Schwirplies, Claudia (2018): Fair pay for green energy, Nature Energy 3(10), 822-823.

Schwirplies, Claudia (2018): Citizens’ acceptance of climate change adaptation and mitigation: A survey in China, Germany, and the U.S., Ecological Economics 145, 308-322.

Ongoing Work

  • Impure impact giving and the regional scope of charities, with Andreas Lange

  • Does additional demand for charitable aid increase giving? Evidence from Hurricane Sandy

  • Do charitable appeals in bargaining crowd out voluntary donations? with Andreas Lange

  • Bargaining with charitable promises: True preferences and strategic behavior, with Andreas Lange

  • Do consumption choices spill over to other domains? Evidence from an Online Retailer, with Björn Bos

Please find a full list of my publications and selected talks in my CV