
Academic Articles

"Online tutoring works: Experimental evidence from a program with vulnerable children" (2024). Joint with Lucas Gortazar and Antonio Roldán Monés. A Journal of Public Economics, Volume 232, 2024, Earlier version: CEP Discussion Paper No.  1908.  This study is registered in the AEA RCT Registry and the digital object identifier (DOI) is: "10.1257/rct.7138-1.0".  

"Labour Market Shocks and Parental Investments during the Covid-19 Pandemic". With Ingo Isphording, Stephen Machin and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela. Labour Economics, Volume 82, June 2023, 102341A previous version of this paper was published as "Labour market shocks during the Covid-19 pandemic: inequalities and child outcomes", CEP  Covid-19 Analysis Series No. 015, December 2020. 

"Where versus What: Value-Added and Returns to Fields of Study in Further Education". With Esteban Aucejo and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela. Journal of Human Resources 0620-10978R1; published ahead of print October 7, 2022.  doi: 10.3368/jhr.0620-10978R1 Coverage in: TES.

"Work and children in Spain: Challenges and opportunities for equality between men and women". With Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela. SERIEs 13, 243–268, 2022. Summary Blog Post LSE Business Review. Featured in CentrePiece MagazineEarlier version published as Esade EcPol Brief #6, March 2021. 

"Work, Care and Gender during the COVID‐19 Crisis". With Barbara Petrongolo. Fiscal Studies, Volume 41, Issue3, Special Issue: The COVID‐19 Economic Crisis, September 2020.  Coverage in: The Telegraph, The Independent, The Independent, The Economist, BBC Worklife.

“Identity, Non-Take-Up and Welfare Conditionality”. With Francois Maniquet. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, March 2018, Volume 147, 13-27.

"Post-Compulsory Education in England: Choices and Implications". With Sandra McNally, Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela and Guglielmo Ventura.  National Institute Economic Review, May 2017, Volume 240 (1) R42-R57.

“School reforms and pupil performance”. With Andrew Eyles and Stephen Machin. Labour Economics, Volume 41, August 2016, 9-19.

 “Academies, charter and free schools: do new school types deliver better outcomes?” With Andrew Eyles and Stephen Machin, Economic Policy, July 2016, 31 (87) 453-501.

Policy Reports and Discussion Papers

"The Effects of College Capital Projects on Student Outcomes ". With Steve Gibbons, Sanrda McNally, and Henry Overman. November 2021. CVER Research Discussion Paper No. 35.  Revise and resubmit at Journal of Human Resources

"Covid-19 and gender inequality in Spain". With Carlos Victoria. April 2020. EsadeEcPol Policy Insight No. 8.  Coverage in: El País, La Vanguardia.

 “Further Education in England: Learners and Institutions”. With Guglielmo Ventura. February 2017, CVER Briefing Note Paper No' CVERBRF001.

“Fertility and Mothers' Labor Supply: New Evidence Using Time-to-Conception”. With Marion Leturcq. January 2017, CEP Discussion Paper No' 1463.

Work in Progress

“Online tutoring at scale.”  Joint with Lucas Gortazar, Antonio Roldán-Mones, Maria Hernandez de Benito and Terea Molina-Millán.

"Parental leave policies and child outcomes." Joint with Lidia Farré, Libertad Gonzalez and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela. 

"Gender, work and care during and after Covid-19".  

"The Impact of Capital Expenditure on Further Education Outcomes - Evidence from Government Grants in England". With Stephen Gibbons, Sandra McNally and Henry Overman. 

“The Child Quantity-Quality Trade-Off: Does having siblings affect first-borns' cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes?” With Marion Leturcq.