Original articles and content sharing

UniLaSalle (RJ, Brazil) - Semana da Engenharia 2020, I Seminário de Planejamento da ABRAPLAN

(Oct 22, 2020) Tema da palestra: Gestão de Riscos Durante o Planejamento por Claudia Garrido


Evento online com transmissão ao vivo.

(Sep 29, 2020) Claudia trouxe uma verdadeira aula de Riscos no seu Webinar, em pouco mais de uma hora ela falou com muita propriedade do assunto Riscos.

E a ABRAPLAN só pode agradecer!! #riskmanagement

(Aug 3, 2020) A good short article about ways to build influence as a #riskmanager inside an organization. I would summarize it in five words: strategy, communication, trust and influence, and learning.

(Aug 3, 2020) Worth reading article about #modularconstruction.

(Aug 2, 2020) Risk management needs to be associated with strategy, communications, and culture. This article brings some (not so new) aspects that organizations need to learn when implementing a risk management approach.

Enjoy it!

#erm #riskmanagement

(Jul 29, 2020) A good summary of this construction industry movement. How will risks change? What new risks can arise?

#prefabconstruction #construction

The construction environment during the COVID-19 pandemic - two sides of the same coin [by Claudia Garrido]

(Jun 29, 2020) During the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction environment has experienced two opposite approaches. At one extreme, accelerated projects to repurpose buildings into hospitals, or building new ones to respond to the urgent need of treatment units. On the other extreme, current projects or new construction projects will need to be completely replanned, making the duration longer.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought the need to have more hospital beds to patients' treatment. Cities have responded in some ways to fulfill this need, such as repurposing existing facilities, erecting temporary medical facilities, or building new ones in accelerated ways. The repurposing of existing facilities included, for example, the transformation of convention centers and hotels. Examples of convention centers transformed into care units have happened in New York City, Chicago, Miami Beach, and Washington, DC. Hotels have also been converted into healthcare facilities. These transformations and conversions are occurring fast. For instance, a hotel conversion in St. Louis (M.O., USA) took less than 100 hours.

The erection of temporary medical facilities and the construction of new ones in accelerated ways have also taken place. In Paramus (N.J., USA), a temporary medical facility was built in two weeks to support the main hospital building. Cities in Brazil have also adopted the alternative to building temporary medical facilities or "campaign hospitals" through public or private ventures. Last, new medical facilities have occurred using modular or prefab construction. The first ones seen were the two hospitals in the Chinese city of Wuhan. A modular medical facility was erected in Brazil, expanding to the M'boi Mirim hospital in Sao Paulo. A total of 44 modules were built offsite and assembled in 11 days. Large contractors in the U.S. are now also offering prefab modular systems for health screenings.

However, while the COVID-19 pandemic has driven the acceleration of some construction projects, it also causes the need to replan others. Construction projects underway need now to consider other health and safety precautions, including social distancing, meaning that activities must be replanned to avoid people working on top of each other, and sanitation routines. Low degrees of activity overlapping, or no overlapping, and different shifts may be adopted. Technology has also helped to mitigate some of the issues, such as the performance of remote inspections by video. In the end, while some contractors are trying to recover the delay caused by the pandemic, many projects will be delayed.

While construction is experiencing opposite approaches during this pandemic period, there is no doubt that lessons have been learned. For example, some contractors may now embrace modular or prefab construction. Remote inspections might come to stay, and remote collaborating work might now not be so threatening to many. The pandemic disruption may also be an opportunity to reflect on current practices and a moment for a change.

61 - Gerenciamento de Riscos - Com Claudia Garrido Martins [Podcast Mulheres da Engenharia]

A Claudia é uma dessas engenheiras versáteis que passou por várias áreas da engenharia. Com graduação em engenharia industrial elétrica, MBA em engenharia financeira e mestrado e doutorado em engenharia civil, a Claudia tem atuado há muitos anos na indústria nas áreas de gerenciamento de projetos e gerenciamento de riscos.

Nesse episódio conversamos sobre vários aspectos e conceitos interessantes referentes à gerenciamento de riscos, assunto super relevante à profissionais de várias áreas da engenharia.



Leadership: Leadership is Language [#leadership]

If you like to know more about leadership as I do, here are two different podcast episodes with the same guest, David Marquet. He talks about his new book called Leadership is Language. He brings interesting perspectives. Enjoy it!



(Jan 7, 2020) Though the nation's second-largest industry seems like it doesn't change much, there are myriad, nuanced forces that shape the way contractors do business and build structures — and Construction Dive is spotting some of these dynamics one story at a time. Here are the top trends to expect in 2020.

(Nov 14, 2019) There is a lot of discussion about the technical skills required in the construction industry. Construction firms put a premium on candidates with degrees in engineering or construction management, and it’s increasingly important for construction workers to be comfortable with various types of software and other technology as the industry evolves.

(Nov 16, 2019) Virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality have the potential to transform the construction industry, but when it comes to these three types of technology, the future is now. For many contractors, however, the value of investing in products that some still consider to be “emerging” technology is unclear.

(Oct 10, 2019) Researchers at MIT have proven Leonardo da Vinci correct yet again, this time involving his design for what would have been at the time a revolutionary bridge design. Although clients rejected da Vinci's work at the time, over 500 years later, the researchers have proven that his bridge would have worked.

(Dec 17, 2019) Innovation in bridge design must come with an appreciation of risk, if the natural conservatism of clients is to be overcome were among the themes at New Civil Engineer’s Future of Bridges conference.

(Dec 16, 2019) A litany of failures ultimately combined to cause the collapse of the Florida International University (FIU) bridge onto a live highway, according to the official investigation into the accident.

Key companies and organisations involved in the project were criticised in the final report into the collapse published by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

(Dec 9, 2019) Mace has launched a next generation construction method that, it says, will transform the way that high rise buildings are constructed in the UK.

(Dec 3, 2019) Thomas Parenty and Jack Domet, cofounders of the cybersecurity firm Archefact Group, say that most organizations are approaching cybersecurity all wrong. Whether they’re running small companies or working in multinational corporations, leaders have to think beyond their IT department and technology systems to instead focus on protecting their businesses’ most important assets from attack.

(Dec. 4, 2019) The Risk Management Association (RMA) and FCInsight are launching a survey to establish the maturity of integrated risk management (IRM) in financial institutions and other industries.

(Nov 20, 2019) Computer-aided design pioneer, Autodesk, is tightening the integration of design and production in everything from architecture to movies. This simple concept has far-reaching implications for the nature of work. Jobs, supply chains, and industries are set to become more transparent, automated, and interconnected. Construction is on the verge of becoming more like manufacturing, thanks to machine learning and cloud-based automation and control. Manufacturing is becoming more automated and customized. Training will become a continuous function of many jobs. CEO Andrew Anagnost is collaborating with Autodesk customers and workers to speed the process and seeking ways to mitigate the disruptive effects. He joins us to discuss these changes and how to address the skills gap in tech, construction and manufacturing.

Episode 49: Leadership in a Time of Disruption [Construction Dream Team with Sue Dyer]

(Nov 18, 2019) This week, host Sue Dyer speaks with Ron Peckham, the Aviation Practice Advisor for C&S Companies. Ron is a gifted leader. He has worked in the Aviation industry for 35 years, growing his practice from 9 people to 150. He's an incredible coach, mentor, and trainer helping people to build a foundation for commitment to a common vision and purpose. Join us as we talk about leadership in a time of disruption.