

Circuit Breakers, Illiquidity, and the COVID-19 Crisis

Flights to Safety, Volatility Risk, and Monetary Policy 

Myopic Extrapolation, Price Momentum, and Price Reversal (with Long Chen and Shelly Zhao)

Stochastic Volatility Risk and the Size Anomaly 


Learning and Trading in Illiquid Markets

Financial Institutions and Crises 


"Limit Up-Limit Down" Pilot Plan and Associated Events (with Paca Flaherty), SEC White Paper, 2017

Exchange Traded Funds: Mechanics, Growth, and Systemic Policy Issues (with SEC Staff), SEC White Paper

Stochastic Volatility and Stock Returns: Evidence from Microstructure Data, PhD Thesis, 2006

Source Runoff Modeling: A Comparison of a Forested Watershed and an Urban Watershed on the SC Coast (with C. Corbett, M. Wahl, D. Porter and D. Edwards), J. of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 213: 133-149, 1997

Alternatives to the Paired T-test for Testing Spatial Change, MS Statistics Thesis, 1997

Analysis of Romanian Natural Gas Production, Bulletin of the National Commission for Statistics, Romania, 1995

Limit Theorems for Banach-Space Valued Martingales, M.S. Mathematics Thesis, 1991

About the Autoregressive Process of Order p, B.S. Mathematics Thesis, 1990

About Some Properties of Finite Groups, Proceedings of the Summer School in Math, Romania, 1986

A Method for Solving Diofantic Equations, Proceedings of the Summer School in Math, Romania, 1984