IW5 - Modern Warfare 3 Installation

IW5 (Modern Warfare 3)

I just want to update / I already have MW3 installed

If you already have the game installed from Steam or had a previous update of Plutonium then you can skip the below section and move onto the Installing the DLCs section.

Installing the base game (MW3)

Note: This section will cover downloading a FREE copy of MW3. Please skip this section if you already have a copy of the game.

Please note we highly recommend buying the game if you do not own it, if you enjoy a game you should support it's developers.

Open Steam, if you do not have Steam installed you can download it here: Steam


If you want the game in your native language we suggest purchasing the game and its DLCs on a key site or during a Steam sale.

Now simply wait for the download to complete, you can monitor progress by clicking the DOWNLOADS text at the bottom of Steam. Once the download completes you will have a copy of MW3.

Installing the DLCs (MW3)

The section will cover how to download and install the English DLC to get the complete MW3 experience. Note: this DLC will only work on an English copy of the game. You can either download them using the MEGA link or the torrent file. You do not need to download both, pick whichever option works best for you.



By default Steam will have installed it into the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 You can also find your folder through Steam if needed

Congratulations the DLC is now installed!

Setting up IW5 with the Plutonium Launcher

Navigate to Modern Warfare 3 and then hit SETUP and then select your Modern Warfare 3 game folder.
The folder you need to select will be called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
Do not select your Games folder or your Document folders. Select the folder with Modern Warfare 3 files in it!

(If you ever need to reselect the game folder, simply click on Game Settings next to the PLAY button)

For those struggling to locate your game folder, this is what the contents of the game folder will look like:

Congratulations you have completed the installation guide.

To launch MW3 simply open the Plutonium launcher and select PLAY


It will crash the first time you start the game as it needs to delete a file, this is to be expected, so simply launch again and you won't get the error again!