This American IPA is packed full of classic American hops: Chinook, Columbus, Centennial, and Simcoe. Since it's our biggest and strongest IPA, we named it after the Strongman from Millville, Paul Conrad, who's feats of strength earned him the title of "The South's Strongest Boy."

LAWCHA is an organization of scholars, teachers, students, labor educators, and activists who seek to promote public and scholarly awareness of labor and working-class history through research, writing, and organizing.

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Noam Chomsky is a lifelong activist and laureate professor at the University of Arizona and professor emeritus in the MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. He is widely credited with having revolutionized the field of modern linguistics and is one of the foremost critics of US foreign policy. For decades he has organized in antiwar and international solidarity movements in addition to writing numerous groundbreaking books, articles, and essays on global politics, history, and linguistics.

After fighting an increasingly slow IDE for a while I found the reason editing my libraries and classes was slow: Lengthy and large mutation history. I'd like to see an easy option to clear that history so I'm not burdened with the edit-time slowness when I don't have to be:

It's amazing how big of a difference this makes on large projects. Fortunately renaming libraries will in essence rename all classes and clear mutation history. Really would love to see a non-hacky, built-in way of doing this. (My current process takes about 15 minutes, but it does need to be done every once in a while: back everything up, rename each library in my project, starting with the lowest level dependency, rename it back, move on to the next library).

With that said, I also wish the mutation history could be optional in the class properties. I have yet to make a class where I care about serialization. I therefore have never needed the mutation history.

Good to know that the tool exists, I may integrate it into some of my work when time permits! Unfortunately though, it can't be used without putting in some extra leg work. On large projects you still need to write code to load the project/library, get all classes in it, then run this on each -- with special attention paid to ensuring all classes are already in memory before updating them avoid waiting endlessly for LabVIEW to load each one individually. That barrier of entry (and the requirement to maintain extra tooling) makes the renaming approach more appealing, especially for code in libraries.

Leon Fink is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois Chicago. He is a specialist in American labor, immigration history, and the Gilded Age/Progressive Era and the editor of LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History.

I'm taking a class on Object Oriented Programming in C++. In a recent assignment I defined a member function within a struct. My instructor explained that, although it's compilable to use member functions within structs, he would prefer we didn't, for backward compatibility with C, and (especially in this beginner class) to practice good data encapsulation- we should use a struct for types that contain mostly data, and a class for applications that benefit from more procedural encapsulation. He indicated that this practice comes from the history of structs/classes in C++, which is what I'd like to know more about.

Why are structs AND classes included in C++? From my background in C#, where structs and classes have important differences, it seems like struct in C++ is just syntactic sugar for defining classes with default public-ness. Is it?

I'm not looking for opinions on when/why one should be used instead of the other- I was born well after these constructs were, and I'm looking for the history of them. Were they conceived together? If so, why? If not, which came first, and why was the second added? I realize that there are many venerable elders within this community who may have living memory of these features' origins, and links to standards publications, or examples of code, where both, one, or the other first appeared, will add to answers' helpfulness.

C and C++ are separate languages, but the C++ language is designed to provide a large useful common subset with the C language. Several commonly used constructions in the C++ language have the same meaning (or nearly so) as they have in the C language. In the case of struct, the C++ language defines it as syntactic sugar for class that approximates the behavior of a struct in the C language, namely that members are public by default. Thus a program or part thereof can be written in this common subset. This allows, for example, a library to provide a single header file that declares the same API to both programs written in the C language and programs written in the C++ language.

I don't remember the details, but it could have happened that struct at that time was parsed completely, but passed unchanged into the generated C code, while class was preprocessed to something different (and was translated to a struct).

Particularly important are the ways that workers both defined and were defined by differences of race, gender, ethnicity, class, and place. Individual workers and organized groups of working Americans both transformed and were transformed by the main struggles of the industrial era, including conflicts over the place of former slaves and their descendants in the United States, mass immigration and migrations, technological change, new management and business models, the development of a consumer economy, the rise of a more active federal government, and the evolution of popular culture.

The labor violence and economic upheavals of the late 19th century had been horrific enough to convince many powerful Americans that reform was necessary. In 1898, Republican president William McKinley, who would be assassinated in 1901 by the anarchist Leon Czolgosz, appointed the United States Industrial Commission to study the causes of labor violence. At the same time, a broad group of largely middle-class and elite Americans, soon to be known as Progressives, set out to document and then ameliorate the worst forms of corruption in the economy and politics, and to soften the edges of the new industrial system by making workplaces, consumer products, and neighborhoods safer and healthier. There was no single Progressive Era social movement; rather, reformers sought everything from antitrust legislation, shorter working hours, and safer workplaces to bans on child labor, protective legislation for female workers, and reforms that would clean up manufacturing and the political process.

President Roosevelt immediately took steps to address the national crisis. He initiated important banking reforms, rationalizing and regulating the banking system and providing deposit insurance. Together, these reforms arguably created the conditions for relative financial stability that helped make possible the growth of a mass middle class after World War II. Roosevelt and his allies also ended the alcohol ban of Prohibition, eliminating one cause of suffering and chaos in working-class communities. He also expanded direct relief to the poor and enlarged public works projects significantly.

MHC class I molecules are ligands for the killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), which are expressed by natural killer cells and T cells. The interactions between these molecules contribute to both innate and adaptive immunity. KIRs and MHC class I molecules are encoded by unlinked polymorphic gene families that distinguish all but the most related individuals. Combinations of MHC class I and KIR variants influence resistance to infections, susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and complications of pregnancy, as well as outcome after haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Such correlations raise the possibility that interplay between KIR and MHC class I polymorphisms has facilitated human survival in the presence of epidemic infections and has influenced both reproduction and population growth.

Every year, the history department offers its core courses at night at least once. With careful planning, it is possible to complete a standard concentration history major entirely with nighttime courses. For help with planning a nighttime major, please contact the department.

U.S. public education is rooted in the belief by early American leaders that the most important knowledge to impart to young people is what it means to be a citizen. If America is experiencing a civic crisis now, as many say it is, schools may well be failing at that job. To better understand the role of education in the current crisis, Education Week consulted experts, visited classrooms, and conducted surveys. This article and the state-by-state survey that accompanies it mark the official publishing launch of that initiative. Look for more pieces from our Citizen Z project in the weeks and months ahead.

Now multiply all the varying perspectives by the sheer number of U.S. history materials available to schools. In a survey by the Education Week Research Center, principals named 34 different core texts for high school U.S. History, though most came from just three publishers.

Nearly all history teaching materials and standards are shaped by the civic pressures of their times, said Jonathan Zimmerman, a professor of history of education at New York University, and that is partially why debates about them continue.

That the current debates in history education often echo these themes tells us some important things: Americans have never been all that united as to what belongs in or out of history classes, or even which specific civic values those classes are supposed to inculcate.

They prioritize students doing the work of history, by putting primary sources at the center of the history classroom and having students grapple with those sources, often by using a provocative question as a starting point. 006ab0faaa

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