Disclaimer: Please refer to your syllabus & instructor for the exact topics covered in your course. 

Topic Review Sheets

1: Econ 1 Review 

Topics: Opportunity Cost, Perfectly Competitive Markets, Demand/Supply Curves, Demand/Supply Shifters, Market Equilibrium.

Please note that answers can be found on the last pages of the document. 

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 1

Extra Review Practice Problems

CLAS Econ 2 Week 1 Extra Review Practice .pdf

2: GDP 

Topics: GDP: “per capita”, Income/Expenditure, Nominal vs Real, Deflator, Year Comparison.

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 2

3: Growth

Topics: Capital (Traditional vs Human), Production Function, Vicious vs Virtuous Cycle, Inward vs Outward Oriented policies, Brain Drain, Capital Dilution.

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 4

4: Unemployment

Topics: Cyclical vs Natural Rate of Unemployment, Efficiency Wage, Unemployment Rate, Structural Unemployment, Labor-Force Participation Rate, Minimum Wage and Unions.

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 6

5: Inflation 

Topics: Inflation and the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 3

6: Consumption and Savings / Investment

Topics: Bonds vs Stocks, Private vs Public Saving, Loanable Funds, Budget Deficit, Interest (Simple/Compounding), Risk Averse, Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard, Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH).

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 5

7: Financial Sector / International Finance

Topics: Bank Run, Deposit Insurance, Shadow Banks, Bond Market, Stock, Real Exchange Rate, Nominal Exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange Market, Trade Flows, Financial Flows 

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 7

8: Business Cycles 

Topics: Business Cycle, Peaks, Troughs, Output Gaps, Recession, Expansion

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 8

9: IS-MP (Investment Savings - Monetary Policy)

Topics: IS Curve, MP Curve, Aggregate Expenditure, Macroeconomic Equilibrium, Output Gap, Equilibrium Output vs. Potential Output, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Goldilocks Economy

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 9

10: Phillips Curve and Inflation

Topics: Inflation, Phillips Curve, Demand-Push Inflation vs Cost-Pull Inflation, Supply Shock

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 10

11: The Fed Model

Topics: The Federal Reserve (FED), IS-MP and Phillips Curve, Financial Shocks, Spending Shocks, Supply Shocks

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 11

12: Monetary Policy

Topics: The FED, Monetary Policy, The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), Forward Guidance, Quantitative Easing 

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 12

13: Fiscal Policy

Topics: Income Inequality, Fiscal Policy, Wealth, Intergenerational Mobility, Deficit vs Surplus, Automatic Stabilizers, Debt-to-GDP Ratio

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 13

14: Aggregate Supply & Demand

Topics: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Economic Fluctuation, The Wealth Effect, The Interest Rate Effect, The Exchange Rate Effect, Long Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS), Short Run Aggregate Supply (SRAS).

CLAS Econ 2 Review Sheet 14

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