Famous Directors

Select a famous director - your choice - and answer the following questions....these questions are SUGGESTIONS only..you may select your own 6 questions but I'm looking for detail!!

1- Tell about the influences in this person's early life that developed his/her personality and character. What were this person's talents? What were some experiences that might have foreshadowed that this person would become successful and famous?

2- Describe the major accomplishments of this person. What did he/she do well? What failures or obstacles did he/she encounter? What exactly did this person do that made him/her famous?

3- Tell about this person's last years before his/her death, or if he/she is still alive, tell about the last 5-10 years. What did he/she do? What new challenges did this person face? Did this person enjoy financial security and happiness? If they are dead, how did they die?

4- Write about the personality and character of this person. What are his/her well-known traits and ideals? What are some little-known qualities that you learned about? Did the director characterize this person as perfect, or did the director give you insights into this person's mistakes and faults? (20 points possible)

5- If you could meet this person today, what two important questions would you like to ask him/her? How do you think he/she would answer each question?

6- Write a persuasive paragraph answering the following question: Would you recommend this director's films to a seventh-grade friend? Choose a side (yes I would, or no I would not), then give specific reasons to support your position -- simply writing yes or no will earn you no credit.