Trends of Website Development that Boost Your eCommerce Sales

By leveraging technologies, businesses are rapidly growing worldwide. eCommerce is one of them and it is imperative for it to stay ahead in this cut-throat competitive market. Due to COVID, consumers are on the preventive side and ensure to follow the safety protocols in the retails outlets.

Therefore people are preferring to use eCommerce websites and apps. Through the data, it shows that there is a 25% hike in the eCommerce sales and it also revealed that the e-commerce sale will rise in 2021. The pandemic is assisted to raise the E-commerce market virtually up to $85 billion by 2024.

This is a huge profit so at this point if you want to turn your eCommerce business sales into a profit, in this blog we will tell you some trends of website development that helps in boost your eCommerce sales. By reading this article, you’ll get to know how to deliver the finest shopping experience through your eCommerce website that boosts your sales.

Top trends in website development

Mobile responsive way

Micro animations

Voice user interfaces

Add Chatbots

3D view to show your Products

Mobile Responsive Way

Nowadays people use smartphones for browsing the internet so it becomes mandatory to make your website responsive through the mobile-first approach. According to a study, it is shown that the purchasing power from the mobile valuation will be $175 billion by 2022, this is a good reason to start the transformation of your website. For transforming you should check the UX and UI design of your website when someone visits your website through mobile phones. Make the browsing easy and simple for the visitors. Furthermore, you can use technologies like Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) that help to boost the mobile experience of your eCommerce websites and sales.

Micro Animations

This is another way to boost sales by upgrading the user and customer experience by using the lucrative eCommerce design with the expansion of micro animations. With the micro animation, buttons, toggles, pictures even menus can be improved. And make them pleasant and engaging for customers. Having 2D images with tremendous effects will be suitable for the customers to view the product and experience how it looks on them before making the purchase. It gives motivation to the users to freely click on the buy button.

Voice User Interfaces

By adding voice user interfaces in your eCommerce website, it will boost your sales and for this, you have to strengthen your website development. In a Google study, it is shown that 20% of the mobile search is by voice interfaces like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Echo. these voice interfaces have changed the ideas of ordinary voice search and purchases are becoming comfortable and easy. This is the best opportunity to make it as simple as possible for customers to look through the websites.

Add Chatbots

Online customers are expecting to get 24/7 assistance by the eCommerce websites, this is also a reason why many locals are going to customer support by means of live chat or chatbots. With the help of live chat or chatbots, customers will get instant help when they need it. This is a unique method to connect with your audience and lift your eCommerce sales.

3D View to show your Products

This can be amazing and worthy of your eCommerce website since you have the potential to showcase your product from several views. The design of the user interface should be enticing and catch the user’s attention. Sometimes users do not go for the product description, they take a look at the 3D model and it permits the customers to explore the product more. This trend in your eCommerce website will be a productive trend that boosts website sales.