This time it was ceremony that found him, at 95, once again rolling in an armored vehicle. While perhaps a couple hundred people, from toddlers to gray-haired veterans, waved miniature flags and cheered, Smoyer descended from the tank. Aided by a cane, he made his way from the street through a throng of well-wishers and World War II-era uniformed soldiers, who snapped to attention and saluted as he passed.

Earlier, Smoyer and Makos chatted about the book project that took six years to complete, included trips to old battlefields and even reconnected Smoyer with the German soldier whose tank he faced in the brutal battle for the city of Cologne. Portions of that two-day conflict were filmed by renowned combat photographer Jim Bates, who grew up in Colorado Springs and eventually parachuted into France with the 82nd Airborne on D-Day and followed troops all the way to the fall of Berlin.

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Smoyer remembers the threat of Molotov cocktails hurled from rooftops and the danger of bazooka-like anti-tank guns called Panzerfaust, which fired rockets that penetrated armor and blew molten metal inside a tank.

Whether or not the soldier truly felt that Rose was making a move for his sidearm, the result was the same: The Army lost one of its top generals in the darkness of the German countryside. But nowhere was that loss felt more keenly than in Denver.

He served with the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions in North Africa and earned the first of two Silver Stars in the battle for Tunisia in 1943. He rose to the rank of brigadier general just before the invasion of Sicily, where his unit was the first to enter the city of Palermo.

In August of 1944, just weeks after D-Day, he was given command of the 3rd Armored Division in Normandy. From there he fought pivotal battles across France, Belgium and finally into Germany, where Spearhead Division was the first to capture a German city. In an amazing feat just before his death, he led his unit on a 100-mile sprint in a single day, the longest advance through enemy territory in the history of mechanized warfare.

Fogel remembers as a boy seeing the helmet Rose wore at his death, punctured by two bullet holes, encased at the hospital. (It now resides in an Army museum in Washington, D.C.) That triggered his interest with the general and his career.

Boog vs Clarence is the second What If? Death Battle of Season 1 by TheVoidofDrawings, featuring Boog from Open Season against Clarence from the namesake series in a fight between two fat protagonists from gross, unpopular series.

It's unpopular series coming back from the dead for today's DEATH BATTLE! These two protagonists may be heavily overweight, but they have immense strength and determination to put up a good fight, especially for their loved ones. Can Boog have Aberdale's troublemaker eating out of his 'paws', or will Clarence make sure the mighty grizzly's defeat is 'worth it'?

Wiz: They reign from unpopular series, are very obese, always keep their hopes high, and go on wacky antics alongside their wild sidekicks, but which one can prove that being fat doesn't mean you're too slow to score a victory?

Wiz: Timberline is a small, mountainous, tranquil town that is home to many businesses, such as barber shops and grocery stores, but one attraction that took them by the heart was a long-running performance known as "The Amazing Boog Amphitheater".

Boomstick: Especially the mighty grizzly himself! Boog was adopted by Ranger Beth at a young age, being raised differently than the other animals. I just wonder where all the other bears were...

Wiz: Being tied to a hood of a truck by local lunatic hunter Shaw, he begged Boog to untie him, and thus, he freed him from his possible death. As Elliot rendezvoused back to the forest, we cut to where he came back at nighttime to let Boog out of the garage.

Boomstick: And so, after a wild night out, the next day, Boog and Elliot got into an argument that turned into a full-blown fight. Lots of people saw this as Boog trying to kill Elliot, including Beth, and so, his mother-figure tranc'd him to take him out into the wild.

Boomstick: After screaming like an overdramatic baby, this dumbass thought someone took Timberline away... literally. He wakes up with Elliot in the same bag- tag_hash_109_______- and rightfully blames him for putting him through all the shit he caused.

Boomstick: Going through thick and thin, it was going pretty well, until Boog found out Elliot was lying so he'd get his selfish ass some recognition, broke a dam, and flooded the forest animals back to the hunting grounds.

Wiz: Boog soon split up with Elliot, but came back after realizing that Elliot might die to the hunters. Like so, he banned together with the wildlife and fought back against the hunters, soon defeating Shaw himself!

Boomstick: Yeah, this creep gives Elmer Fudd a run for his money in intimidation, especially with those sticks of butter he calls teeth. Actually, scratch that, practically everyone here needs some Colgate and dental veneers.

Boomstick: He also defeated Shaw... again! And last but not least, the Boogster won the heart of Ursa, befriended the Wailing Wumpus Werewolf, and successfully banned Open Season from Timberline for good with the help of the wilds.

Boomstick: Much like the average grizzly bear, he's 5 times stronger than the average Wiz and can run 55 kilometers per hour and... can fracture people's skulls with a bite..- Wiz, I don't think this is fair anymore.

Boomstick: ...Ugh, fine. Starting off strong with his strength, he can single-handedly bend Shaw's IMI Timberwolf he calls "Lorraine", and even hold onto a log while careening down a river for dear life.

Wiz: He and Doug lifted a circus cart with ease, performed a cannonball so large that it washed Elliot and other animals out of the water, and won a round of arm wrestling against Elliot, McSquizzy, Sarge, Deni, Reily, Ian and a rabbit all at once.

Wiz: He should also be comparable to Ian, who survived a long fall from a cliff unscathed, McSquizzy, who lived through Elliot's interpretive dances that caused natural disasters, such as lightning storms and avalanches, and Mr. Weenie, who survived being blasted away in a cannon while inside a grill and scales to Fifi, who survived being electrocuted THRICE. That's once by a large bug lighter, twice by a fence of electric sticks, and thrice with multiple electric collars.

Wiz: He formed a complex scheme to battle the hunters that invaded the forest, and has enough experience fighting Shaw, who is a skilled hunter that has multiple heads on his wall and bear skin rugs in his basement... huh. So that's where the bears were.

Wiz: If all else fails, he always has his signature roar, of which intimidated Shaw to where he turned pale, echoed across an entire forest, and should be superior to Elliot's shriek when his past massive antlers that was heard across the forest, as well as Doug's roar of anger that released a heavy amount of wind and made their surroundings darker.

Boomstick: First off, he's really stubborn, and gets smug and cocky when he thinks he has the upper hand, not to mention that he has a long history of getting his ass handed to him by plenty of people... and animals. Speaking of which, as shown in his second and last fight with Shaw, he can sometimes let his anger get the best of him.

Wiz: Prior to his heavyweight appearance, he's lazy, and VERY prone to having low stamina after a while. His gluttony can also be an issue since Elliot easily tricked him into going to the Puni Mart with a- ahem- "Woo-Hoo Bar".

Boomstick: He also has an allergy to pollen, and can get high off of products that have sugar in them. Also, he's kind of nave, as shown when Doug tricked him into switching places with him for a "bear trip", when really, he wanted to be the "king of the forest".

Wiz: For his final flaw, it's his immense cowardice. While yes, he became more brave as the tetralogy progressed, he still gets scared easily, has a long list of phobias, and has a tendency to run away from anything that can prove to be a threat first-hand.

The sun slowly rose, thus beginning a new day in Timberline. The roosters crowed, the stores opened, and all residents awoke with the feeling that this was going to be another great day. Meanwhile, a special few were driving into the entry of said location, relived to finally arrive after days of traffic, long roads and messy gas stations. Oh yeah, and skunks.

"Ah, man", groaned Chad after he finished his double-pattied cheeseburger. "What a week. I mean, with all the traffic and stuff... phew, I almost wish I took the airplane here. But I do wish I brought an extra burger..." Mary happily turned down her country music and jumped into the conversation. "Oh come on, Chad, you already robbed the last mart of their donuts AND we almost emptied our entire savings for this trip."

The two polar opposite friends kept on arguing of who got the most injured, as they ignored the leader who fell asleep the entire time. He was very obese, but not as obese as Eric Cartman. He wore a green shirt with short purple sleeves, blue shorts, dark blue boots, and had two front buck-teeth. With a large streak of feats on his back, as well as sweat, this was... Clarence.

"Ah!", he screams, falling off the seat. His two friends screamed his name in sync, and helped him back up. "Whew... I think I heard a narrator that was... narrating everything to narrate because he's the narrator. Maybe this narrator guy controls all that he narrates, and maybe WE'RE just toys in his narrating narration... of narrating."

"...Meh", they all say together, beginning to lie back down and continue to veg, at least before they got to a woodland house Mary rented. As they all got out, Jeff was beyond excited. "Woah! A wood-made house! That is cool! Maybe I can discover new creatures in this forest to add to my journal." Clarence and Sumo slowly looked to each other in awkwardness, before Sumo walked off. 152ee80cbc

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