
Wealth Tax Mobility and Tax Coordination (with David Agrawal and Dirk Foremny)

Media coverage: El País, OECD, La Vanguardia (here and here) and NIUS Diario

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2025, Pages 402-30.

Wealth Inequality Dynamics in Europe and the US: Understanding the Determinants (with Thomas Blanchet

Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 133, January 2023, Pages 25-43.

Media coverage: Forbes, Imperial College News

Brahmin Left versus Merchant Right: Changing Political Cleavages in 21 Western Democracies, 1948-2020 (with Amory Gethin and Thomas Piketty

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 137, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 1–48 (Editor's choice).

All data series and paper ressources available at

Media coverage: The Economist 

Wealth in Spain, 1900-2017: A Country of Two Lands  (with Miguel Artola and Luis Bauluz)

The Economic Journal, Volume 131, Issue 633, January 2021, Pages 129–155.

Appendix  Spain Wealth Database (SWD)

Media coverage: El Diario 

Applying Generalized Pareto Curves to Inequality Analysis (with Thomas BlanchetBertrand Garbinti and Jonathan Goupille

American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings, 2018, 108, Pages 114–118.

Working Papers

House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling [UPDATED MARCH 2023]

Winner of the 2022 Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award, the II Nada es Gratis Prize for Job Market Papers in Economics and the 5th Giorgio Rota Price Award.

A summary of this paper has been included in Chapter 4.6 of the First World Inequality Report.

Media coverage: El País, El Mundo, El Confidencial (here and here), Público, El Diario, Blog NeG (here, here and here), 20minutos, La Vanguardia and 

Alternatives Economiques

Tax Evasion and the "Swiss Cheese" Regulation (with Nina Roussille) [UPDATED MAY 2024]

Other publications

La riqueza y su distribución en España en el largo plazo: 1900-2021 (with Luis Bauluz and Miguel Artola)

La desigualdad en España (coordinated by Javier Soria, Javier Carbonell and Bernardino León), Lengua de Trapo, 2024.

Distributional Wealth Accounts in Europe: Methodology (with Thomas Blanchet)

World Inequality Lab–Technical Note, 2021, No. 16.

Estimation of global wealth aggregates in WID. World (with Luis Bauluz, Thomas Blanchet and Alice Sodano)

World Inequality Lab–Technical Note, 2021, No. 13.

Distributional National Accounts Guidelines, Methods and Concepts Used in the World Inequality Database (with the World Inequality Lab team)

World Inequality Lab–Technical Note, 2020.

Who pays the price of folly? The business cycle and income and wealth mobility in Spain (with David Law, David Haugh and Müge Adalet McGowan)

OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 2019, No. 1561, OECD Publishing, Paris.

The distribution of taxable income and fiscal benefits in Spain: New evidence from personal income tax returns (2002-2011) (with David Haugh)

OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 2017, No. 1427, OECD Publishing, Paris.