
X-Chromosome Inactivation and Autosomal Random Monoallelic Expression as “Faux Amis” (Review)

Barreto VM, Kubasova N, Alves-Pereira CF, Gendrel AV. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021;9:740937.

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) and random monoallelic expression of autosomal genes (RMAE) are two paradigms of gene expression regulation where, at the single cell level, genes can be expressed from either the maternal or paternal alleles. X-chromosome inactivation takes place in female marsupial and placental mammals, while RMAE has been described in mammals and also other species. Although the outcome of both processes results in random monoallelic expression and mosaicism at the cellular level, there are many important differences. We provide here a brief sketch of the history behind the discovery of XCI and RMAE. Moreover, we review some of the distinctive features of these two phenomena, with respect to when in development they are established, their roles in dosage compensation and cellular phenotypic diversity, and the molecular mechanisms underlying their initiation and stability.

In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Random Monoallelic Expression in Lymphocytes That Traces Back to Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Kubasova N*, Alves-Pereira CF*, Gupta S, Vinogradova S, Gimelbrant A, Barreto VM. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

Evaluating the epigenetic landscape in the stem cell compartment at the single-cell level is essential to assess the cells’ heterogeneity and predict their fate. Here, using a genome-wide transcriptomics approach in vivo, we evaluated the allelic expression imbalance in the progeny of single hematopoietic cells (HSCs) as a read-out of epigenetic marking. After 4 months of extensive proliferation and differentiation, we found that X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is tightly maintained in all single-HSC derived hematopoietic cells. In contrast, the vast majority of the autosomal genes did not show clonal patterns of random monoallelic expression (RME). However, a persistent allele-specific autosomal transcription in HSCs and their progeny was found in a rare number of cases, none of which has been previously reported. These data show that: 1) XCI and RME in the autosomal chromosomes are driven by different mechanisms; 2) the previously reported high frequency of genes under RME in clones expanded in vitro (up to 15%) is not found in clones undergoing multiple differentiation steps in vivo; 3) prior to differentiation, HSCs have stable patterns of autosomal RME. We propose that most RME patterns in autosomal chromosomes are erased and established de novo during cell lineage differentiation.

RNA sequencing-based screen for reactivation of silenced alleles of autosomal genes

Gupta S, Lafontaine DL, Vigneau S, Mendelevich A, Vinogradova S, Igarashi KJ, Bortvin A, Alves-Pereira CF, Nag A, Gimelbrant AA. G3 (Bethesda). 2022;12(2):jkab428.

In mammalian cells, maternal and paternal alleles usually have similar transcriptional activity. Epigenetic mechanisms such as X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) and imprinting were historically viewed as rare exceptions to this rule. Discovery of autosomal monoallelic autosomal expression (MAE) a decade ago revealed an additional allele-specific mode regulating thousands of mammalian genes. Despite MAE prevalence, its mechanistic basis remains unknown. Using an RNA sequencing-based screen for reactivation of silenced alleles, we identified DNA methylation as key mechanism of MAE mitotic maintenance. In contrast with the all-or-nothing allelic choice in XCI, allele-specific expression in MAE loci is tunable, with exact allelic imbalance dependent on the extent of DNA methylation. In a subset of MAE genes, allelic imbalance was insensitive to DNA demethylation, implicating additional mechanisms in MAE maintenance in these loci. Our findings identify a key mechanism of MAE maintenance and provide basis for understanding the biological role of MAE.