We Live Here - Clara Marks

Mission of the project

My project's goal is to spread awareness about Black people in Washington, D.C. who made a big impact on their communities, but aren't usually recognized for it. I chose five people with very different lives, but who all had a connection to the city. I hoped that these stories would inspire children everywhere, but especially in and around Washington D.C. To learn more about my project and the process of making the book, see below.

How to Read the Book

Publishing the Book

Each story in the book has an author, an editor and several illustrators. The book also had several adult reviewers


I promised to create a set of lessons for teacher to use in their classrooms. Each lesson had guided reading, discussions, and optional activities.

Distributing the Book

35 copies of the book will be donated to various locations around Washington, D.C.  

Team Page 

Follow this link to learn more about the people who helped make this book a reality.



Contact ccmsquared@gmail.com to get more information on the project