Information Collection and Use

When you use our app, we may collect the following information about you:


Cookies are small data files that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. They are sent from the website you visit to your browser and stored in your device’s internal memory.

Use of Information

We may use this information to:


We are committed to protecting your personal information using commercially acceptable means.

Other Website Links

Our service may contain links to other websites. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these external sites as we do not control or take responsibility for their content or practices.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for children under 4 years old. If we discover that a child under 4 has provided personal information, we will promptly delete it from our servers. Parents or guardians can contact us if they believe their child has provided personal information.

This Privacy Policy is designed to be transparent and demonstrate our commitment to protecting your privacy when using ClapAlert: Clap to Find Phone.

Sharing Personal Information and Data Sharing Purposes

We may share personal information with third parties, known as our “Partners,” for various purposes related to providing our services to you:

Advertising Partners:

Analytics Partners:

Third-Party Service Providers and Other Partners:

The following are some of our identified Partners and links to their privacy policies for more information on their data practices and opt-out options:

The inclusion of a hyperlink to any third party privacy policies does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us.Additionally, we are not responsible for the data collection, usage, and disclosure practices of external organizations like social media platforms, operating system providers, wireless services providers, or device manufacturers.

We advise you to carefully review the privacy policies of any websites or social network pages you visit to understand their specific privacy practices and data usage policies.

Your Rights and Options


You have the right to correct your personal information, have your personal information deleted, object to how we use or share your personal information, and restrict how we use or share your personal information. You can submit your request by emailing us at We will respond to all requests within a reasonable timeframe.

Consent and Opting-Out of Personal Information Sharing:

If you are located in the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, Switzerland, or Brazil, we are required to obtain your consent in order to collect and process your personal information. If you give consent, we will collect, use, share, and process your personal information for the purposes described above.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. On iOS devices, you can do this by enabling "Limit Ad Tracking" under Settings/Privacy/Advertising and restarting the app. On Android devices, you can withdraw consent by enabling "Opt out of Ads Personalization" under Settings/Google/Ads and then restarting the app.

If you withdraw consent, we will no longer collect, use, or share your personal information unless there is another legal basis for doing so. If you choose not to receive personalized advertising, we will respect your preference but may still show you contextual advertising that is relevant to the content or type of app you are using. We will also continue to process your personal information when necessary to comply with the law (for example, to determine your location).

Rights of Access, Rectification, Erasure, and Restriction:

You have the right to access, rectify, erase, or restrict the use and sharing of your personal information. You can manage these aspects by visiting the "settings" page on your mobile device and reviewing the access permissions for each Heaven Studio app.

Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information in an electronic format. You can also correct your personal information, have it deleted, or object to how we use or share it by emailing us at We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe, in accordance with local laws.

While we make good faith efforts to provide you with access to your personal information, there may be circumstances where we are unable to do so. This could include cases where the information contains legal privilege, would compromise the privacy or rights of others, or where providing access would be disproportionate to the privacy risks. If access is restricted, we will provide an explanation and a contact point for further inquiries. To protect your privacy, we may need to verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your personal information.

If you reside in the European countries, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority regarding our collection and use of your personal information. Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area (EEA) can be found here.

Please note that since most of the information we store can only identify a particular browser or device and not directly identify you personally, we may require additional information from you to accurately fulfill your request and ensure the privacy rights of other individuals are not violated.

United States (excluding California) and Other Countries

Opt Out: If you are located in the United States (excluding California) or another country outside the European Countries, you can opt out of receiving personalized advertising by changing your device settings, per methods above.

Managing Third-Party Apps and Platform Information Sharing

To manage the information Heaven Studio receives from a third-party application or platform where you play our apps and games, like Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, or Amazon, you will need to follow the third-party application’s instructions for updating your information and changing your privacy settings.

International Data Transfers

Our Service is global by nature and your personal information can therefore be transferred anywhere in the world, including the United States. Because different countries may have different data protection laws than your own country, we take steps to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect your information as explained in this Policy.

How Do We Protect Your Data

Security Safeguards

The security of your personal information is important to us. We maintain appropriate safeguards and current security standards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. However, no system can be completely secure, and we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us. While we take meaningful steps to secure your information, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information will always remain secure. We do not accept liability for unintentional disclosure.

Data Retention

ClapAlert: Clap to Find Phone will retain personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy and where we have ongoing legitimate business needs to do so (for example, to provide the Services, to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements, to enforce our agreements or comply with our legal obligations) unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. Otherwise, we will take reasonable measures to delete your personal information from our records.

Safety, Security, and Compliance with Law

We may share your information as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: Under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; to comply with subpoenas, warrants, or other legal process; to respond to requests from public and government authorities including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; to enforce our terms and conditions; to protect our operations; to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or you or others; to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

We and our Partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize the Service, analyze use, personalize advertisements, and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but parts of the Service may then not function properly.

Merger, Sale, or Other Asset Transfers.

If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider, then your information may be sold or transferred as part of such a transaction as permitted by law and/or contract. Should such an event occur, Heaven Studio will endeavor to direct the transferee to use personal information in a manner that is consistent with the Policy in effect at the time such Personal Information was collected.

Contact Us

If you have questions about personal information and data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal information, we encourage you to contact us at:
