About CL Acupuncture Philosophy

Structure of modern society gives too much pressure and stress which is the major cause of many other diseases and pain.

CL Acupuncture strongly believes that inner peace is the most fundamental element to live a healthier life. CL Acupuncture aims to be the best place for patients to make them feel at ease.

Come and experience the quality relaxing treatment

with CL Acupuncture!

About CL

Christine Lee, LAc/CFT

CL is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Certified Fitness Trainer.

I have worked as a trainer in Irvine for 10 years. When my clients were concerned about menopausal symptoms such as insomnia, general body discomfort, and weight gain, I always wanted to find other ways to help them alongside exercise. These concerns led me to start questioning about the human body, which led me to study Biology post-baccalaureate and eventually to study Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture at South Baylo University in 2017 to become an Oriental Medicine Acupuncturist. I not only want to help my workout clients, but also to help everyone’s health and beauty and it drove me to delve more into Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture.

I studied Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture at South Baylo university with a great enthusiasm and interests with the teachings of many excellent professors. With all my passion and effort, I received an academic scholarship and graduated with excellent grades. I also received a clinic internship scholarship during internship for excellence in patient care and skills.

As a personal health trainer, I have a larger portion of female clients than male clients. This naturally led me to study more about women’s health and beauty. Thus, during my study at the South Baylo University, I spent extra time studying cosmetic acupuncture and cosmetic cupping, weight control on top of the regular curriculum. Myself being at the age of 40s, I started to think how I could maintain my current body and skin condition and how to rejuvenate, rather than just thinking about how I could look more beautiful. Moreover, I wanted to develop a weight management program with my 10 years of experience as a professional health trainer with my knowledge of acupuncture and oriental medicine. I ceaselessly experimented with many different modalities, methods, and herbal combinations on myself to find the best way to perform cosmetic acupuncture and weight control with acupuncture and oritental medicine.

As a professional certified rehabilitation health trainer, I have worked with many clients with their recovery through exercise. Now I have built the knowledge of acupuncture and oriental medicine, I want to help and treat people from their daily struggles due to pain with my pain management care in a natural way. I would like to treat all my patients as I treat my mom for her hypertension and low back pain. I would like to counsel all my patients to maintain and keep healthy life with herbal medicine as I make herbal supplements for my daughter.

About Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture? and How does it work?

Acupuncture has rapidly become an accepted treatment in alternative care in America, with over 35 states, including California, regulating acupuncturists as health professionals. Acupuncture concentrates on the electrical energy in the nervous system and organs. With acupuncture the placement of fine hair like needles into specific points of the body can act like antennas and reprogram the body to a healthier state.

With Chinese medicine and energy or life force called "Qi" flows through the body along 14 channels. When "Qi" is blocked, the flow of energy is impaired and can result in pain and illness. By placing needles are various points along the channel removes the blockage allowing "Qi" to flow and restore harmony between the body's opposing forces of "Yin" and "Yang".

Studies have found that acupuncture stimulates the body's natural protective and pain fighting systems and the immune system is boosted and pain-fighting endorphins and peptides are released during acupuncture. Acupuncture treatment promotes the body's ability to heal itself.