What is Car Key Cutting?

Car key cutting is the process of creating a new key for a vehicle that matches the shape and profile of the original key. The process involves using a machine to cut a piece of metal into the correct shape and size to fit into the lock and turn the ignition. 

When a car key is lost or damaged, a locksmith or automotive technician can use specialized equipment to cut a new key. The technician will first obtain the key code or use the lock cylinder to determine the shape of the key.

They will then use a key-cutting machine to shape a blank key into the exact pattern required to fit the lock. Car key cutting can be done for traditional keys, as well as for more modern transponder or electronic keys.

In the case of electronic keys, the technician will need to program the key to work with the vehicle's security system. It's important to note that car key cutting requires skill and precision, and should only be performed by a trained professional.

An improperly cut key can damage the lock or ignition cylinder, which can be expensive to repair. Additionally, some vehicles have complex key systems that require specialized knowledge and equipment to cut a new key.