Call for papers

The ICML 2021 Workshop on Theory and Foundation of Continual Learning aims to gather researchers and engineers from academia and industry to discuss the latest advances in Continual Learning and related areas. In this one-day workshop, we will host regular paper presentations, invited talks and interesting discussions on Continual Learning with a particular emphasis on its Theoretical Foundations. You are invited to participate in the workshop by applying to this call for papers (4-8 pages, ICML formatted, non-archival). Feel free to share this call with whom it may be interested.

Important dates and deadlines

  • Submission deadline: June 11th (AoE)

  • Decision notification: July 9th

  • Camera ready paper deadline: July 14th

  • Workshop: July 23rd


Do you publish paper proceedings or all the papers will be non-archival?

They will be non-archival. Just uploaded and visible on our website.

What kind of papers do you expect in terms of format, length?

We accept any kind of paper (ICML21 formatted is advised but only mandatory for the camera ready version) from 4 to 8 pages.

Do you accept only original paper?

Yes, only original papers (not officially published, pre-prints are fine) will be accepted.

How do I submit my paper?

You should find the submission on CMT.

I have some question where can I contact you?

You can send your question at: