Coffee meet (May 2023). 

House party (April 2023).

Diwali dinner (November 2023). 

Group dinner (July 2022).

Group presentations (July 2022). 

Coffee meet (March 2022). 

With my postdoc supervisor Jerome Neufeld (2020). 

In a socially distanced group photo with the research group at Cambridge (2020).

With the committee members of Trinity Postdoctoral Society (2019). 

On a PdOC hiking trip to Snodonia, Wales (2019). 

With the Indian students group at Cambridge (2018).

Christmas get together cum my welcome to Cambridge (2017).

Farewell meet with the group members at Alberta (2017).

Class of 2016, University of Alberta!

With my PhD supervisor Morris Flynn during my PhD defence (2016).

With the committee members of MEGSA (2015).

Mechanical Engineering group photo, University of Alberta (2014).

With friends in Edmonton (2014).

Class of 2011, IISc Bangalore!

Gearing up for the GE placement party (2010).

Class of 2009, BIT Durg!