

The closest parking options to the conference location are the Gatton Student Center parking lot and the Cornerstone Garage.

Gatton Student Center Parking Lot

This is the closest parking option to Friday's conference location. However, the lot is on the small side (you might not find a space) and you must pay to use it, at all times.

Cornerstone Parking Garage

The Cornerstone Garage is a 6-7 minute walk from Friday's conference location (pretty close!) and hosts several floors of parking spaces. It is an approximate 15 minute walk from Saturday's events. It is free to the public on the weekends (after 3:30pm Friday until 10pm Sunday) but visitors must prepared to pay if they plan to arrive earlier than 3:30pm on the first day of CKLiC.

W. T. Young Library Visitor Lot

This visitor's lot is very close to Saturday's location. Guests may pay $2 per hour in order to park here.

Rose Street Garage

The Rose Street Garage is directly next to Saturday's conference location and hosts several floors of parking spaces. More information on garage availability and prices will be posted at a later date.

Visitors may find free parking close to campus but must be aware of parking regulations and substantially longer walk times.

For more detailed information on visitor parking rates and availability, please visit UK's Transportation Services website. 

Traveling by Bus:

This is the website of Lextran, the local bus system. This pages shows all the routes the buses take: