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5 Tips to Always Keep your House Clean

Here at CJT Interior Cleaners we want to always make sure you have your affairs in order. That's why today we have tips and tricks to keep your house tidy and clean!

While house work is a thing that never seems to be done, that doesn't mean that you can never have your house in order. Here are a few tips and tricks that will make your home seem even the tiniest bit tidier and make you a big bit happier. Here are 5 tips to always keep your house clean!

1. Don't wait

After dinner, it may seem daunting to have to get those dishes done. Even more daunting, folding the laundry after it's out of the dryer. But putting off tasks just piles them on for another day. It pays off in the long run to make up your mind, getting those little extra tasks off your list right away. You'll be happier, when you don't see a sink overflowing with dirty dishes, first thing in the morning. And you'll definitely be happier when you get home, only to realize you don't have a bed full of laundry to put away!

2. Pick up after yourself

We're all guilty of taking our shoes off and leaving them near the doorway, near the sofa or the even the bed. Guilty of leaving our drinking glasses on the table or on the sitting room side table. And we're all guilty of spending at least an hour, every day, packing away all the stuff that just seems to always be out of place. It takes a bit of repetition but practicing - picking up those shoes and that glass, as you get up, will make your life a whole lot easier. It will save you a whole lot of time spent tiding up at night.

3. Sorting laundry at bath time

If you're one of those persons who dreads laundry day and the immense amount of time it takes to sort out laundry, then don't worry, you're not the only one. Keeping baskets for different loads in your bathroom saves you the hassle of sorting all your clothes at once. A basket for dark colours, one for light colours, one for whites and one for delicates. As you undress in the shower, sort your clothes. Voila! At the end of the week, you just pick up a basket and go. Easy, peasy, lemon sequeezy.

4. Keep toilet wipes

Maintaining the cleanliness of your toilet can be challenging. Especially when you're waiting for the weekend to give your bathroom a general cleaning. We all know the toilet can get pretty messy before then. That's why it's easier to keep some kind of antibacterial/bleach wipes near your toilet. Every time you use the loo, wipe down the seats and flush! Keeping it cleaner longer.

And finally...

5. Don't over stock

The above tips are for every day messes but one thing that contributes to a messy house that is often overlooked, is having too much stuff! and no-where to put it. Often, our homes have limited storage solutions, this makes us put things where they shouldn't be, lending to its overall untidiness. So, the next time you want to buy another vacuum cleaner or another table and chair set... think! Do you really have enough room for it!

Professional cleaning services from vehicle detailing to residential and commercial cleaning. Located in Freeport, Trinidad & Tobago.

Phone: (868) 740-8483